A Celebration of My LIFE...Style

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What to Expect Here…

Welcome! On this site, you will discover…TRUTH. You will hear it through the spoken word…and you will see it through the written word. If you have ears to hear, eyes to see, a heart to know, and a mind to understand…those TRUTHS will pierce…circumcise your heart and set you FREE. This is one of the superpowers of TRUTH…setting people free from the “unhealthy habits”…death they walk in. The lies they believe. The deception they are blinded by. This world is covered by a thick fog of deception and man is walking around blind…and being led by the blind. The blind leading the blind. WARNING!!!!!!!!!! You will be offended here. If you peruse my site…you …

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Crystal Tate

Hi there! My name is Crystal Ann Laura. This is my blog.
