March 2023

LIFE Conversations

His Pearl

Yesterday, Father and I were talking about the fact I am His Pearl. His pearl of great price. Quite an

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LIFE Through The Lens


I saw this snag a few days ago while on a 3-mile walk through creek beds, fields, and woods. When

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paint by numbers
LIFE With Family

Paint By Numbers

While hanging with the kids and grandkids, Vanessa got the art bug. 🤣 She was itching to do something artsy…so

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evansville indiana mural
LIFE With Family

Start a Family

I always say…I live a crazy life. My life looks and sounds crazy to many people…people who don’t have the

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grape hyacinth
LIFE Through The Lens

Grape Hyacinth

Yesterday was a sunny day…loved the sunshine. Vanessa came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go

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LIFE With Family

Family Endeavor

When I originally wrote this post, I wrote it because Donovan and Vanessa had started a YouTube Channel. It was

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mother daughter
LIFE With Family

Baby Shower

Our first week of family bonding time has FLOWN by super-fast. They say time flies when you are having fun…it

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grandmother grandson selfie
LIFE With Family

Generational Parenting

This morning, I did a little babysitting for the grandkids. Vanessa had an appointment. I absolutely LOVE generational parenting. It

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photographing photographer
LIFE With Family

Purpose Driven

Years ago, Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life, was all the rage in the Christian Religious System. I remember

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burnt prairie grass with lone tree
LIFE Through The Lens

Man Vs. Man

For years, Father and I have had an argument about marriage. I thought He was saying His plan for me

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bloom with thorn
LIFE Conversations

March Gladness

March Gladness is a wordplay on March Madness. Father woke me up this morning…announcing it was March Gladness month for

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