June 2024

woman selfie
LIFE Through The Lens


Here is Father’s definition of humanism…simply put…idolatry of man. Mankind idolizing man. Man elevating man. Man thinking WAY TOO HIGHLY

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Challah Bread
LIFE Conversations


This showtime post has been sitting in my mind for several days now. Every day, I have wanted to sit

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woman cutting cherries
LIFE With Family


I have so much to say about being moldable…shapeable…changeable. SO much! Super stoked about this post…well…just stoked about life right

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women in camping rocking chair
LIFE Coaching


Get comfortable…I have a lot of words to use in this post. It is a collection of numerous thoughts…along with

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lens ball at beach
LIFE Conversations


I have had this partnership post sitting behind the scenes for over a month now…just waiting on the words to

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mother daughter selfie
LIFE With Family


This week has been entwined with much wonderfulness!! 😍 SO…Hannah and I went out last night to celebrate. I feel

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