Weight of the World

fence leaves with frost at sunrise

The weight of the world is gone. I think that also means the wait of the world. I am giddy. Super…duper giddy. Wow…that load was heavy.

It has left in stages. Been getting lighter and lighter both in volume of brightness and lightness in weight/wait over the last few years…but wow…last night was good. Seemed like the final piece was removed from me. Like I was released from prison or something. Not sure what happened. Just know something did. Feels good. REALLY good. A cord was cut. A tie severed. Something. 🤷‍♀️

It is like the past seven years never happened. I marvel at Father’s power.

It feels like love. Love in my heart. Love for life. For people. Love in general. Not sure what anything means…just taking one day at a time.


I feel like the little boy on the trike in The Incredibles movie. I am staring at Mr. Incredible (Father) waiting for something AMAZING! Have no idea what…just something incredible.

Feeling like it is going to be glorious to see and experience. SUPER GIDDY about this.

I actually FEEL and KNOW I am secure. Secure in Him. How did that happen? Haven’t a clue. I obey every day while He works His magic inside me. Every morning, I wake up wondering what changes happened through the night. I am highly amused by His ways these days.

Let me give you a silly example. Takes SO LITTLE to amuse me. I think I have fallen in love with my Password Manager. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? I love this idea of a secure vault online for my passwords. Makes my heart smile. Makes me happy inside.

Having my passwords unsecured has been a heavyweight inside me. A burden…wanting something different. Loving my VPN too. Been wanting one of those for years.

Father is making me feel SO LOVED these days. Dreams are coming true. 🥰

Morning frost on fall-colored leaves is super pretty to me.


Feeling a bit restless now. It is like my engine is running and I need to let my foot off the brake pedal. READY to go.

Not good at sitting around waiting on Father. The other day…I spent the afternoon hanging out with Bobbi, Vanessa, and the grands. We adults played on Zoom. I think we might have had too much fun. Wasn’t sure that was possible playing with Zoom. Got to see firsthand Vanessa’s obsession with filters. 😂 She is highly amused by them.

I think my preparation period/training period is over. Can’t think of a single thing left to do to get ready. It is like He wiped the slate blank. THIS makes me giddy. Last night seemed to finish it all up for me. My to-do list is empty…all items crossed off.



Have I mentioned how giddy I feel about this???? 😂

Love the orange and browns in her feathers. So pretty.
Those beaks can be painful when you encounter them reaching for eggs. 😜 Donovan has had a few words to say about that at times. 😂


While doing some computer cleanup behind the scenes the other day…I came across these photos. Felt compelled to share the cuteness of these little critters with the world.

Chickens are fun critters. Roosters…not so much! Man…they can get MEAN! However, hennies…you gotta love them.

Loved having them follow me around the garden in the early morning hours when I would pull weeds. I had a couple of Barred Rock hennies that would have their beaks right at my hands. As soon as I pulled a weed, they would dip down for the bugs. Cracked me up! Love how they turn their heads so they can see.

Birds are AWESOME!! Been watching owl and eagle videos. OWLS ARE SUPER COOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Love listening to them hoot through the trees. Beautiful noises to hear. 🥰

How can you NOT think this little henny is adorable??? She was a fam fav. 😍

Time to Go

Not too wordy today. My mind is clear and clean. So is my heart. Not much work going on inside anymore. I think this vessel has been cleaned out. Feeling like it is time to go. Go where? Haven’t a clue. A complete mystery to me.

SUPER excited about going though.

Needing to cross over and start a new life. The old one is behind me. Ready to start the new one. Exciting things on that side of this life.

Ready to leave this world behind…the weight/wait is gone. I have been released!!! 💃🏻

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