Painted Desert

Years ago, I was frustrated. While talking to Father about the frustration, I felt He was saying I needed a break. He wanted me to head to the Grand Canyon. Do some sightseeing with the children out West. Head to the desert. The pictures in this post are from that trip the kids and I took driving around some of the deserts in the West. The photos include The Petrified National Park and The Painted Desert.

When He told me to head to the Grand Canyon, He didn’t need to tell me twice. I told the kids…pack your bags…we are heading to the Grand Canyon. We left the next morning. 😂

I am a free-spirited kind of gal. Go with the flow. Spontaneity is not a problem for me. Love the excitement of that kind of lifestyle. It means freedom for me. I am always ready for the next big adventure. Once I make a decision…my mind is made up…I see no reason to wait. Let’s get er done is my kind of mindset. I think I have always been that way. When the decision is done…I do whatever needs to be done immediately. No more questions…just do it. 🤷‍♀️

petrified National Park with children


I am convinced these pictures have prophetic meaning to them. Past, present, and future. Currently working on why.

One thing I do believe…I am getting ready to leave this desert land behind. The one I have been living in for years now. The last few days have been powerful for me. Like crazy powerful.

Haven’t a clue what is happening behind the scenes…but…boy…something amazing. Gotta share a bit on this side of life.


I recently shared a dream I had where I was splitting sheets with the enemy. I firmly believe that happened in full today. WOW!!!! So relieved.

Also, I shared about a dream I had where I fell because a bookshelf I was on fell over. In this dream, I miraculously shoved the bookshelf away at the last minute. I landed on my feet in the tuck position. I was so relieved I didn’t die even though I should have…that I rolled over in great relief. FINALLY…I knew I was safe.

Another piece of this puzzle is a vision I once saw. A Brink’s security truck pulled up in Hannah’s driveway for me.

I am currently in these places. GOODNESS!!!!!!!!! I can’t begin to express the relief and security I feel today. While on the phone with Vanessa this morning, I bawled like a baby. I told her…He is coming. Father is coming for me and for the first time in my life…in my heart…I believe He loves me. He wants good for me.

This is big stuff for me. Yesterday…my heart was set free. Glory be!!!

Petrified National Park
Petrified National Park


Since there is a veil separating me from the spirit realm…I can’t see or understand what I have really been going through from a spiritual perspective. I only know what I have experienced. Something phenomenal and beyond my current understanding has been taking place outside of my knowledge. 100% sure on that. I do believe I will have full understanding very soon. Super excited about that.

I believe I have been in bondage to the enemy somehow through these last seven years. It is the river of lies/deception that the dragon has been spewing out of his mouth to overtake me. Damn…that was rough. I fought like a mother to keep my head above the waters at times. Didn’t think I would make it.

I believe this morning was the final fall so to speak. Somehow, I miraculously was spared death by the enemy. I pushed him out of the way so to speak. The relief is incredible.

Painted Desert
Painted Desert


WOW…can’t even explain what happened. Father did something magical for sure.

I was working through a list of beliefs I had about the enemy. I had been laboring to get set free from him…per the dream. On repeat, I was saying to Father…tell me what to do so I can get free from the enemy. Get the house sold so I can get my money. Get my security in Him.

In addition, I was telling Christ…give me whatever truths I needed to get my freedom.

While working through the list, I had several revelations which led to a major breakthrough. This morning, another one sealed the deal. As always, once they are complete…Father zips the file. This massive file of data I have been working through…gets zipped up into a condensed file. Crazy cool. Saves storage in my mind. Super grateful for zipped files.


Yesterday, I was looking back over the last seven years at what I believed was deception from the enemy. It is not a pleasant thought/feeling to think you have invested seven years into deception. So, I said to Him…I lost my heart in the deception. I invested all of me. All my heart. To me…it was a loss.

This is what He said. It was a gain. You gained your freedom.

WHOA!!! That was truth. I did. I sat and chewed on that for a bit. Felt good.

Then I came back with another question. Ok…which is more valuable…my heart or my freedom? They each have a value. What values are you assessing them as?

This is what He responded. SHOCKED ME TO THE CORE!

You didn’t lose your heart. You gained the freedom of your heart. These seven years set your heart free…to freely love and to freely receive love. From your heart. In your heart.

MIND BLOWN!!!!!!! 🤯🤯🤯

Painted Desert
Painted Desert


My heart is free now. The walls around my heart are down. The chains holding my heart back have been broken.

The last seven years set my heart free. HOW FLIPPING COOL IS THAT?????

His ways are NOT man’s ways. For sure.

Ok…so…this morning…I was completing this puzzle. Once again, saying…set me free from the enemy…100%. Whatever I need to get free…give it to me. I want my Brink’s truck of security in my heart and mind. Gotta be 100% secure in all areas.

So…this is what I wrote down. This was the issue this morning. “To believe something is true when what is happening in the natural realm is the exact opposite of what I am hearing in the spirit.”

That has been a rough one for me cuz the enemy has been enslaving me in this area. Drowning me in it.

When I merely shared it with Father this morning…that statement of how to…He responded…He wants to show me.

I spent quite a bit of time bawling like a baby over that. I knew what He was saying to me. He loves me…and He wants to show me how much He loves me. Father doesn’t just say the words…He backs them up with actions. That is His nature. Who He is.

Show and tell. See?

He wants me to be 100% secure in His great love for me.

Heart swoon. ❤️

Desert of the Past

I am leaving the desert of the past behind where I was dying of thirst from a lack of love.

This fits with so many other things He has said to me in the past. Sometime in the last couple of years, I mentioned in a blog post about a conversation Father and I had. In that convo, He told me He was going to give me extravagant gifts…but I had to be able to receive them.

I get what He meant by that now. My heart had to be free before I could receive them. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I am finally able to receive them. This is part of the security and relief I feel. It truly feels like my heart got unlocked from some kind of box or something. The cage door opened up or something. Crazy stuff happening here. 😂

petrified National Park
painted desert


Here is something else very strange. For the past few months, I have felt torn about an issue. I have wanted to buy a house…possibly in Evansville…which seemed very odd to me. I really don’t want to live here. Prefer another state.

Also…I want to travel. I want a year devoted to traveling North America.

Has had me feeling a bit double-minded, to say the least.

Had to go to the storage unit the other day. Felt like I needed to move my stuff out. Relocate. Where to? I haven’t a clue. Yet…my heart wants to travel. 😳😵‍💫

It is Father. Not sure what He is saying yet.

SO, this morning, I made a list about Father. Beliefs I had about Christ. I have a list of beliefs about Satan…and one on my beliefs about Christ. Again…asking Christ to give me whatever I need to be 100% separated from the enemy so I can be secure.

When reviewing the lists together…I thought about the last seven years and my belief that I had possibly been investing in lies/deception.

This time…it hit me…that wasn’t true. I have been investing in the truth. A true story. Reminded me of NYC around Christmas where He told me He wanted to show me how man creates fantasies, but He creates true stories. 💙 Wonderful!!!

painted desert
painted desert


I feel secure. It is true that I have been investing in a true story for the last seven years because I LIVED it. How cool is that??? Seems like a duh moment to me. 🤪🤷‍♀️

I can tell the enemy is gone…everything feels like me again. Everything magically disappeared that felt so awful before. I don’t feel the need to resist the enemy anymore because the enemy isn’t present. How strange is that? I live such a crazy life. Completely unexplainable.

It also feels true that I bought a house today…in Evansville. 😂😂😂 What does that mean? Haven’t a freaking clue.

At this point, I am confused. I told Father…I am 100% sold on your house. Completely bought into it. Ready to move my stuff in and settle down. Maybe buying a house in Evansville was just buying into His story and His house?? Idk. Maybe I will still travel yet?

There are truths that are yet to be seen and realized for me. What I do know is I am ready to receive the love. Ready to receive my extravagant gifts. Ready to move into His house. I am ready for whatever He has in store for me because I believe in my heart…He loves me. Cares about me. Desires me. Wants me.

It feels true. I feel secure.

No more wasteland for me. No more deserts. I am ready for the sweet life. Love. Life. Light.

I told Father…bring it on baby. I am ready to open the gifts. 🎁

Felt led to share the love, joy, and giddiness I am feeling. 😍

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