Core Value…Love of Traveling

Mt. Rainier

In my garlic chive post here, I shared one of my core values…the love of nature…and how that came to be. Tied to that core value…is another one for me…the love of traveling. It is intricately woven into my love of nature because when I travel…I want to see…nature. Go figure. 😜

In 2020, I rented a van, packed up certain essentials, and took a trip with my dog, Tonto. We traveled 11,000 miles in 34 days going to many National Parks in the West. It was glorious! This picture was taken while I was at Mt. Rainier. Such a beautiful place. I have discovered there are many beautiful places in North America.

Adventure Awaits

I am a free spirit. A minimalist. A wanderer at heart. Traveling is my jam. It trips my trigger…turns me on all over. I hate being tied down. If I had been born a man in the 1800s, I would be the guy on the horse who never settles down…but just keeps on traveling to see the country. To see what is over the next horizon. All about the next adventure. 😆

I discovered I have been to almost half of the National Parks in the US. I want to take another trip, but this time see them all.

The Dream Continues

I bought a large road atlas that is designed for all the National Parks. As I began perusing it, I asked Him to map out a journey for me. What I saw while looking at the entire map…was a map divided into seasons.

I wanted to be in the

  • Southwest in the spring
  • Northwest and Alaska in the summer
  • Maine in the fall (LONG TIME BUCKET LIST ITEM!!!!)
  • Florida, Hawaii, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands in the winter months

I would love the freedom to buy a van and spend my life traveling. Do the van life thing. It fits me. My personality. The freedom to roam, explore, see, and experience life outside…and outside of the norm. I am hoping someday my dream will really come true. 🤩

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