macro flower photo

I took this picture with my macro lens in 2020 while I was in Yellowstone National Park. I love the colors in the flower. As I am starting to understand editing a bit better, I wish I would have started shooting in RAW long before I did. I see the benefits of shooting in RAW now. 🤷‍♀️

In thinking about Yellowstone, I am looking forward to a future return trip.  The plan is to update my camera equipment and add vlogging about my traveling adventures. I have been researching lenses and making my list. STOKED!!! Wanting to switch to a mirrorless full-frame camera before I start traveling.

At 51, I am ready to start a new life. Cutting ties with the old ways and starting new ways. A new life. A new way of living.

There is a time for everything…endings…and new beginnings. Both can be a blessing depending on your perspective.

Positive Versus Negative

My personal preference is to look at life from a positive perspective. I am one of those people who makes lemonade out of lemons. To me, forgiveness is really important. It is how I function in life and can move forward with peace after people have wronged me. So many people get offended and hold grudges…holding on to negative garbage. I can’t live like that. For me…there always must be a greater purpose to each and every situation…especially the negative situations in life.

Conversion is the key for me. Turning a negative situation into a positive one. Ya know how some people you meet in life are the example for you of what NOT to do? 😳 How you turn a bad situation into a good one is to flip it on its head. Evaluate the bad and decide to NOT choose that kind of behavior. There ya go…you just made the negative into a positive. That is how I roll. 😍

It is about perspective.

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