Morning Moon

morning moon with blue sky

One morning I was walking with Tonto along the riverfront, and I saw this beautiful moon up in the sky surrounded by this blue. I had to run back home and get my 600mm lens to get a closer shot of it. Since I took this picture, I notice the morning moon more often. To me…it is kind of like when I buy a new vehicle. The road seems to be full of that same model of vehicle. Crazy how that works. They were there all along, but I didn’t notice them as often until I owned one. When I go outside in the morning to walk, if the moon is in the sky, it registers in my mind. Taking this picture changed how I see the morning sky.

One of the things I love about the moon…is this…it is a picture of the lesser light in the spirit realm…Holy Spirit. Christ is the greater light which is the sun…the Son. Christ and Holy Spirit…the sun and the moon are always the two witnesses of all covenants made. I think that is kind of cool. Just a little bit of truth trivia for you there.

Our nighttime sky is a picture of a spiritual truth…principle…in Father’s kingdom. No matter how dark your night sky can get…there is always light available to guide your way. The degree or amount of light varies in different seasons of life, but we have no excuse that can hold water…there is always light to guide our way out of the darkness. The catch is…you must want it…and you must utilize it. Unfortunately, many choose to reject His light…Him…His guidance. This…keeps them in darkness…eternally. I can’t imagine living that way. HE is the WAY out of the darkness. He is THE LIGHT that guides our way out of slavery, darkness, and into freedom.

Such a beautiful picture of love.

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