Compound Leaves

compound leaves macro photo

One of the reasons I like compound leaves is because there are so many leaves packed into one. Sometimes tiny leaves. It is artistry to me. I love the shapes, patterns, and symmetry.

All things nature intrigues me…trees especially.

I Love…

  • the texture of the bark on trees…especially Paper Birch
  • the shapes of different trees…especially Bradford Pears
  • the gnarly-looking branches…especially on an Oak Tree with galls
  • the trunks of trees…especially the thorns on a Locust tree. Crazy cool!
  • the shapes, colors, and textures of the leaves…especially the scratchy texture

To me…leaves alone scream intelligent design. They are all different. Different shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. The process of photosynthesis. How the leaves die off and fall from the tree in Autumn as the tree prepares for winter. The tree releases its seeds to fall to the ground and produce more trees. Fantastic. Every year…the tree behaves the same…with each new season. It was designed to behave in certain ways at certain times of the year. This same process has been going on for thousands of years…since the world was created. I love how they store their age inside of the wood and you can see it in the layers when it is cut down. ❤️

I am always baffled, and I shouldn’t be…but I am baffled at how people don’t want the eyes to see how Father has created our world. They don’t want to see Him…in all things. He is everywhere if you have the eyes to see Him. We have no excuse that will hold water as we stand before Him on judgment day for the evidence is and has always been right in front of our eyes all along. His artwork is on display 24/7…365 days a year…for thousands of years behind us…and will be for thousands of years in front of us. For eternity…we will get to see His created works.

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