Best Friends

mother daughter picture

When Vanessa and I are hanging out, we forget to take pictures of ourselves together. We are too busy talking to think of the camera most of the time. Since she was only home for a few short days this past week, I told her…we have to remember to get pictures this time. We did…with Donovan’s help. These are pictures Donovan took with his iPhone. So grateful for them.

I will never be able to describe the love I have for this young lady and her value to me. In my heart, the sun rises and sets with her. I tell her often; she is my right arm. She is part of me…an extension of me. She is my bestie. Out of all the people I have known in my 51 years of life, she is the one who knows my heart and invests in my heart…consistently…no matter what. Our bond has become so deep it is unbreakable and I LOVE that fact. She is one person in my life, I can count on to be there for me 24/7…forever. What a gift to me she is.


Last night, a regular customer came into the store and started asking questions about me. Wanted to know my age, whether was I married, and the standard questions I get almost daily now. After telling me I was beautiful and wanted to know what my opinions of him were, I shared with him two things…one, I am not a prostitute…and two, an example of a recent situation where an older married minister wanted me to be his mistress.

After sharing the story, he made a comment to me that has me processing some things today. He said…you shouldn’t put up with that. 😂

I have so many words I could use about that statement, but I will refrain. What I wanted to say was this…it got me thinking about investing. Here is a conclusion I came to…I want to invest in myself. Even when/if no one else wants to invest in me.

I realized I have invested in everyone else in my life…for my entire life. NOW…it is time for me to invest in myself. To pursue the things that please me. That builds me up. I want to build something for myself now. Something that pleases me. A time to pursue my dreams not solely helping others to achieve their dreams…to meet their needs while my needs go unmet. It is a new time for me. To focus on myself instead of serving everyone else as I have always done.

It is amazing how one small comment…”you shouldn’t put up with that”…can impact me inside.

Thankfully, I always have this young lady by my side, supporting me, cheering me on, and keeping me moving in the right direction. ❤️

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