
child's hand holding flower

This picture is of my granddaughter’s hand holding a flower she picked while home last weekend. To me, this picture represents many different things…but singleness is one of them.

Each night after work, I walk Tonto. There is a spot along our walk that is overgrown with honeysuckle. It smells divine. I always look forward to coming up on that particular spot on our walk. Last weekend, I took my granddaughter there and we tasted the honeysuckle. I wanted to be the first to introduce her to it. This picture was taken near that location.

The last two nights while walking, I have reflected on how happy I am. I can’t ever recall a time in my life when I was this happy in my heart. It is such a sweet place to be for me. Independence has become synonymous with bliss to me. It was greater than what I expected it to be and my gratitude is off the charts.

So many people I know can’t be alone. They can’t be content in that space and are certainly not joyful. That hasn’t ever been an issue for me. In fact, at times when I am overstimulated by people, I have to get away and be alone to feel refreshed again. Aloneness rejuvenates me. I love it. 💙


Tonight…as I write…my heart is full. Full to overflowing. I feel so satisfied…so content. For some odd reason, it has heightened my senses. I am more aware of lots of little things and I savor every moment of my time. To me, my time has become greater in value and how I invest it and whom I invest it in are even more important to me. I have become 100% committed to investing in myself now. First time ever for me. It feels good. Healthy. Right. So very peaceful. Rich. Like I am using wisdom.

While at work tonight, I got several hugs… a huge plus for me. Tomorrow…a dinner date is in the works so more hugs are coming my way. It feels like not only is my present full of goodness…but my future is going to be bright. Hope is a beautiful thing and I believe my future will be positive from here on out. 😍

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