Weed Head Flower

For a lack of a better term…I am calling this a weed head flower. 😂

I think it is exquisite in beauty. The front view is just as good. It reminds me of a snowflake. I wasn’t pleased enough with the frontal view pics I took so I am only posting the side view. It gets to stand alone. 😜

While walking Tonto this morning in this heat wave we are having, I snapped this pic…among others.

Tonto fascinates me. When I pull the camera bag out, the dog goes ballistic. Jumping, running, and talking in dog language that I certainly don’t understand…however, I understand he is excited about whatever my camera bag represents to him. He knows I am going to take him with me. That we are going to at least be outside walking and at times, he will get to go for a ride in the truck. All of that is A-OK with him I guess. 🤣


I am hesitant to type this up as it seems my plans get mysteriously put on hold. If they do this time… heads are going to roll for I am going to lose it. BUT with trepidation I say…I have removed all distractions from my mind and I am focused on truth now. I have all these teachings I want to post here on the blog…writings and videos both. Hopefully, I can start adding those teachings to my coaching page SOON. I only have one more post to rewrite and I am golden. I am holding back the excitement but man…it is brewing in there. Lots of teachings flooding my mind in the last couple of days that I want to share. I need the GREEN light to GO! It is my heart’s one desire…to teach the truth.

I have my one prayer warrior in my back pocket and I am beyond grateful for that man. His text messages bless me beyond measure each morning. His encouragement keeps me going…pursuing my dreams.

LIFE is moving forward…in the right direction…towards righteousness. No going back. Always moving forward.

Have a SUPER MARVY day! I AM planning on it!

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