Forts and Education

child's fort

Donovan and Vanessa recently had a cookout to attend. While they attended the cookout…Ahnalaya Ann and I built her a fort. The fort was grandma thinking at a higher brain level here. I needed her to be entertained because I wanted to educate myself. It worked…wonderfully. She was THRILLED with her fort…so thrilled it has become a permanent structure in our office. She regularly crawls inside…while her little imagination works overtime. Sometimes she is in dinosaur land and all the dinosaurs are living in there with her. Who knows what the fort will contain tomorrow…oh the joys and wonders of a child’s imagination.

I have to admit, building the fort brought back many memories of raising my kiddos. We almost always had a fort somewhere in the house. Our family was superior at building massive forts. We had lots of chairs and lots of blankets. The combo makes for fun fort making combinations. I have decided this whole process of being a grandma has another perk…you get to relive the fun parts of parenting…again…without the responsibilities of being in charge of their soul. Grandparenting is a GRAND idea. I am 100% in support of it. Bring on the grandbabies!


education wall
My beautiful wall of knowledge.

Man…I have to say…I am having the time of my life right now.

Bobbi asked me today what I thought of Michigan. I told her…it is incredible. It is beautiful, life is peaceful and quiet, and I am relaxed.


I am STUDYING! Seriously.

Bought myself a brand spanking new Anatomy and Physiology book. Whoa!!! Super in love with it. Brings back a lot of memories…good ones.

For oodles and oodles of years now, I have been nagging Father to educate me on the body, soul, and spirit. I want to know what they each are…what their functions are…and then how they interact with one another. So MANY questions over the years.

He has finally allowed me the pleasure to sit down and start studying. SUPER THRILLED with this. A dream come true. Over the years, He has given me many pieces to the puzzle. Many pieces…but still so much to learn. Things are starting to take shape in my mind now and I am excited about the thought of getting to verbalize to His children what I am starting to understand to a greater degree.

My Artwork

When Donovan and Vanessa came home from the cookout, Ahnalaya Ann wanted to show Daddy her fort. I had to laugh at Donovan’s face when he saw my beautiful wall of knowledge. He yelled at Vanessa…”you gotta come see Mom’s wall of artwork.”

Vanessa was in love…she is going to use this technique for a book she plans on writing. It works wonders in organizing the mind. I didn’t bring my dry-erase board with me because it was too big, so I had to improvise. This wall is me…improvising.

On another wonderful note…Vanessa is loving the fact she gets to hear all about what I am finally starting to understand. She loves my wall…is jealous…and says she doesn’t want to do anything but sit and listen to me talk about what I am seeing. I am super grateful to have someone to share it with…and especially someone excited to hear it.

Someday…I am going to start pouring out the information to the public. My day is coming, and I couldn’t be happier. I am feeling all the feels about it. Christian and I spoke on the phone today for about an hour. Had some things to share with him…while talking…I told him…I have been asking Father if I should start sending him videos and/or writings to teach him…help him in life. I have a desire to coach him/train him up in the way he should go. To give him a personalized, custom-built workout/training routine. To help him become the man he was called to be. We are seeking Father on it.

LIFE is grand! Education of the truth is coming!

2 thoughts on “Forts and Education”

  1. Jealousy is the sincerest form of flattery…wait a minute, that’s something else. Christian couldn’t have a better advisor!

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