Purple and Green

lavender flower

In a previous post, I mentioned how I have discovered…I love the colors purple and green together. I will be 52 in November, and I am just now learning this about myself. Crazy! I have no idea what this flower is…but I like it. They are everywhere here. Along the trails and in the yard. Lovely little ladies. Recently, I went to Sleeping Bear Dunes for a day trip. While there…I took a picture of one of these same flowers. I didn’t even realize it until I was working through pictures the other day. Having two pictures of the same type of flower in the last few weeks. I figure at least I am consistent. 🤣

One of the really cool things I see about Father is His artistry. He is quite the Artist. I love how He put the complimentary colors together in nature along with the contrasting colors. We can look at nature and learn about art…which is where our artist’s palette comes from. I always find it arrogant of man when they claim to be the inventors, the mathematicians, the scientists, the engineers, the architects, the doctors, etc…yet refuse to believe He exists and fail to give Him the glory.


Like seriously man…where do you think math came from? Where do you think the concept of engineering originated from? The primordial soup???? Order coming from chaos??? Leaves me scratching my head in wonder. And people think I am crazy for believing order came from order. Intelligence came from intelligence. Art came from The Artist. Etc. Death does not give birth to life. Only life can give birth to life. Such simple concepts to grasp and yet so many refuse to believe or see.

Enough rantings for today…hope you have a MARVY DAY! Enjoy the colors purple and green together! I AM. Makes me smile.

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