doctor patient friendship

Years ago, my youngest son Mitchell and I were having a discussion. As part of that discussion, he said to me…Mom…when you start “lecturing” it is like you don’t know where you are going.

My response…yes son…that is because I DON’T know where I am going. I am following Father. Just saying what He wants me to say.

Here is another thing he would say to me…Mom…you repeat yourself.

My response…yes son…because Father is saying…SAY IT AGAIN. Because the truth is worth repeating. See?

I thought I would bring those two things out right up front here in this post. One because…I do repeat myself and if you stick around long enough…you will take note of that. Just call me repeat. I am going to be open about that fact and beat you to it. The truth is worth repeating. AND because sometimes…people need it repeated MANY times before they finally get it…in their heart. Some people have thick skulls and concrete walls around their hearts. Takes some time before His Spirit can pierce the armor of their flesh. 🤷‍♀️

And even if they are NEVER convicted of heart…when they stand before Father…their excuse of…I didn’t know…won’t hold water…because He will come back with the quick response of…yes you did…I sent Crystal to tell you. She obeyed.

There ya go…now you know.

Then the other issue…is super pertinent because I have no clue where I am going with this post. It is 3 p.m. and He and I have been discussing this post since 6:30 this morning. Vanessa has even been in on the discussion. It has changed direction many times, I have no idea what direction we are headed in here so just hang on for the ride. Kind of excited to see where we land really.

Rabbit Trail

Ok…I see rabbit trails or squirrels A LOT…so here is one. Did you notice I used the word pertinent above? I just want to say how much I love the word pertinent. It is fab, don’t ya think? I am a word nerd…just get all giddy about words and that is a word I particularly like.

The first time I heard it was when I was young. I was watching Pollyanna. The one with Haley Mills as the actress. Agnes Moorehead called Pollyanna an impertinent child. I was hooked on the root word from that day forward. What a fantastic word. Since then, I have tried to use the word whenever it is appropriate. It is just marvy! 😍

Dr. Rathod

The featured image was taken in July 2019. I am with my Dr…the one I mentioned in my post yesterday. After the nurse took our picture, Dr. Rathod hugged me and said…when you become famous, I will have proof I know you. She laughed…while I stood there stunned. So many prophetic moments in my life when people say things yet really don’t get the gravity of what they are saying. Always shocks me.

I know we are going to be discussing authority in Father’s kingdom versus man’s authority in their kingdoms. Building on THE ROCK…Him…the truth versus building on sand. Wisdom versus foolishness. I also believe we are going to be discussing the price associated with building your way versus His way.

I am supposed to share a story with you which includes Dr. Rathod…hence the picture of me with my sweet friend as the featured image.

My Crown

Several years ago, Father said to me…it is time to receive your crown. I was like…ok…what does that mean? I am SUPER skeptical of Him…I have one constant thing I say about Him. He UNDERWHELMS me with the positive things He says…and OVERWHELMS me with the negative things He says. It NEVER looks like what you WANT it to look like. If He says something that seems positive to me…I have learned to NOT get my hopes up…because if I do…I am going to get them CRUSHED to smithereens. If He is warning me of something bad…it is way worse than I can imagine bad. Excruciating in the worst way. NOT kidding. I have YET to be overwhelmed by the positive with Him. Maybe someday but hasn’t happened thus far. 🤷‍♀️

So getting “my crown”…not sure what that looks like even though that SOUNDS really good.

A few days later…a large chunk of one of my molars fell off. I have good teeth. Always have. Had cavities as a child but since then, golden. Get my teeth cleaned every 6 months and am always in good shape.

So I am shocked…THEN it HIT me. I was going to end up with a crown on my tooth. GREAT! Just what I wanted…my crown. Can you feel the sarcasm there?? 😏

Sure enough, the dentist verified I needed a crown put on. She preps the tooth and puts on the temporary while we wait for the permanent crown to be ready for me.


In the meantime, I got an infection in that tooth. Ruh-roh. This isn’t good.

Years ago, a local doctor would send his patients to a nearby health food store with a certain combination of herbals to purchase as a natural antibiotic. The owner told me the formula because my teenage son was getting bilateral ear infections…which kept sending us to Urgent Care. Once I started Mitchell on the combo, within 24 hours, his ear pain went away. Within 2-3 days, he was good to go. Then we put him on some supplements and the ear infections disappeared completely. Glorious!

Since that time, our whole family has been sold on this doctor’s natural antibiotic concoction. It works like a charm every time. Every adult child keeps the recipe and ingredients in their cabinet.

Once I realized my tooth was infected, I started pushing the concoction. BUT…I was SICK. MAN…an abscessed tooth is NO joke. The entire side of my face was in pain. My facial and jaw bones hurt, my ear throbbed, and all my teeth hurt…not just the infected one. I was sick to my stomach…sleeping on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet. Fever…chills…god it was awful. 🤢

I had no idea a sick tooth could make a person THAT sick.

Phone Call

After a few days in, my chest is now hurting too. I was in misery. So very sick. I call Dr. Rathod. I tell her everything…the whole thing. She said to keep taking the concoction because that was spot on…but I needed to call the dentist and tell her the tooth was infected. She needed to determine the viability of the tooth. Dr. Rathod believed…as did I…that the dentist was going to want me to get a root canal. Neither one of us believed in that plan. She told me…if she wants you to do a root canal…pull the tooth instead. I had already come to that conclusion myself, so she was confirming to me what I already knew.

Over the weekend…Dr. Rathod called to check on me. Always asked all the right questions to make sure I was doing ok. 🥰

Stealing my Crown

During this time, I am doing nothing but laying around in misery…ensuring I get my antibiotics four times a day…didn’t miss a drop. Father and I spoke constantly about the situation. After my discussion with Dr. Rathod about the root canal, I asked Father…what is happening here? Do you want me to go and have the tooth pulled?

My thoughts were…if the tooth needs to be pulled…then I am not going to wait on the crown appointment. Instead, I will call and go get the thing pulled and be done with this drama. To me…the easiest route to take. Wham, bam, thank you ma’am. Git R done. All over with. I am all in. Sounds like a plan.

His response…FIGHT for your crown. The enemy is trying to STEAL your crown.

Great…you mean I have to endure through this drama. 😩

That meant…no root canal…but also…don’t pull the tooth. Instead…stay the course, keep taking the antibiotic…and keep my mouth shut. DON’T call the dentist and tell her the unfolding tooth drama. Fight through it instead. Not a fan of the plan. Not one bit…any of it. 🤨

When the crown arrived, I mentioned to the dentist that I might have had an infection but that I took some supplements, and it went away. (By now, I am feeling great.) She checked the tooth over and said it was fine. This way…I told her…even though there is no way she would believe supplements could heal a tooth infection (the large majority of health professionals do NOT…they look at you like you grew horns on your head)…BUT it would cause her to check the tooth. I was obeying Father…giving Dr. Rathod what she wanted and also giving the dentist the knowledge to check the tooth.

The result, I got my crown, and all was well in the kingdom. Win-win for everybody. 😍

That was rough. It took 3-6 months and a couple of rounds of antibiotics before I was consistently pain-free on that side of my face but eventually, I was healed completely. Had a few rough spots in there. 🤨

The Price

With authority in Father’s Kingdom…comes a price. That is pain. With great authority comes great pain. The higher in authority you go in His Kingdom…the lower you must go here on Earth…that includes pain. That is how it works. The least of these here…will be the greater of them there.

To be elevated BY Him…you must lower yourself here. You must walk in and operate with LARGE amounts of humility. You must sacrifice much. Your level of His Kingdom authority there…depends on your level of humility, sacrifice, pain, suffering, and offerings here. Just what you wanted to hear…I know. 🤨

My crown has cost me everything. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.

I had to allow Him to lower me to the lowest of lows. Become like a prostitute. Like a commoner. Homeless. Poor. Broke. Thrown away like refuse. Judged by man. Reviled. Persecuted. Mocked. Condemned. Hated. Used. Abused. Isolated. Hidden. A debtor…in prison. Living trapped in Hell. Tormented by demons. Convicted, sentenced, and crucified/murdered by the people I dearly loved. Etc.

The list above is a few of the things I have experienced in my job training….24/7.

Unpleasant doesn’t touch what I have been through by His hands. 😵‍💫

Man’s Kingdoms

Let’s look at man’s ways of building their kingdoms…and achieving their crowns.

First off…when I say, man…I am talking about mankind. I mean men and women…both genders of all ages, races, tribes, nationalities, and tongues. Man to me is plural in meaning. Humans…man. Natural man. When I say man…it is not a typo.

(Also…to note…sometimes I use man as a figure of speech…as in…man that was bad…or man…that was awful. But mostly…man means mankind.) 😜

Man builds his own kingdom. He or she can do that in unlimited ways. The ways are endless. It can mean their own house…marriage and family…it can also mean business/career. Keep that in mind.

But let’s just take a career/business as an example here. I work best…think best when I have a picture. I have a gazillion for you on this because the whole world works this way…so I will be general. You can fill in the blanks…with yourself or everyone around you who copies this same formula. One size fits all here. The world LOVES one size fits all. Assimilate the masses…make them all the walking dead…zombies without critical thinking skills. Blind followers who just do as they are told. Yep…that is the world. 😳

A man or a woman elevates self… concluding…sometimes with the aid of others…that they are good at…fill in the blank. Now they are going to choose that career to build their life on. It could be a guitar player, an artist doing graphic design work, a sports player, a coach, an educator, a mentalist, a doctor, a preacher, etc. The list goes on and on. Maybe they decide if they choose something they love doing and are good at…then they will never work a day in their life…so make that a lifelong career. The way of the world.

The Example

Say a man builds an organization from the ground up out of a hobby he loves. Works his tail end off. Blood, sweat, tears, stress, etc. Puts in long hours for many years. As he goes along, he starts to make a name for himself. People are now paying attention and he is getting accolades from man.

Has a large following on social media…and man…the people are singing his praises.

  • He is so good at what he does!
  • Doing what he was created to do!
  • He is the greatest!
  • He is so appreciated!
  • He is so loved!
  • So valued!
  • Worth SO MUCH in this world!
  • Keep doing what he is doing!
  • He is such an inspiration!
  • He is MAKING A DIFFERENCE in this world!! Woohoo!!!
  • Lots of pats on the back…we should all be like him!

Sound familiar???? CUZ it should. 🧐

Man’s Crown

Made quite a name and reputation for himself.

He earned his crown. Crowned himself and the people all agreed. He is king! King of his castle. King of his kingdom.

You could also insert a female in this same scenario, and she has been crowned queen.

I have seen gazillions of them. Lots of kings and queens in this world. Lots of kingdoms. Many gods man bows down to…giving praise and worship to the blind…who are leading the blind to their slaughter. LOTS of false teachers out there selling and marketing their false teachings to the masses.

I AM not buying what they are all selling. Lies and deception. Perversion of the truth.

Horse Manure

It makes me think of a conversation I had with my mom many years ago. My family had just put me and my children through the wringer. Lots of false accusations, drama, perversion, etc. I was done dealing with their toxic ways. Father told me…it was time to let them all go. He said…let the dead bury the dead. You can either stay with them or move forward and onward with me. Make your choice. You can’t have both. I said…I am going with you. I have paid too high of a price to stop now.

My mom was angry that I was not going to join them for Thanksgiving. I said to her…you can have Thanksgiving Day with the rest of them. Either the Sunday before or after, or any other day you choose, you can come to my house, and I will cook a meal for us to celebrate together. Another option you have is…if you want to cook for us, we can come there on a day you choose. Another option you have is…we can pick a restaurant and have our Thanksgiving meal there. I am open and would love to see you but…I am not going to sit at a table and pretend to be thankful on Thanksgiving Day for and with people who have treated me and my children the way they have.

My example

Here was the example I shared with her…you want to serve up to me…a pile of horse manure…covered in chocolate and you want me to eat it, smile, and say…that is really yummy. I am NOT doing that.

I am NOT going to pretend nothing has happened here nor am I going to pretend we are all ok and one big happy family. We are NOT a happy family. NEVER have been a healthy or happy family. Not into lying and deception. I am a straight shooter here.

She chose to part ways with me and my children. Her loss…our gain.

The Kool-Aid

Man buys and sells the poisonous Kool-Aid that is killing them…yet they all think it tastes AMAZING!

I have been fascinated with cults and cult leaders all my life…long before I was falsely accused of being a cult leader by the haters in my life.

The story of Jim Jones and his followers is quite fascinating to me in so many ways. What the people of the world do not realize is this…we have a TON of Jim’s running around selling a bad product…then convincing and/or forcing the poisonous Kool-Aid down the throats of the people. The people of this world are perishing in mass and clueless.

The Kool-Aid this world is selling you…IS KILLING you. It is poison to your SOUL…not SOUP for your soul but POISON for your soul. It isn’t FOOD for thought either…it is counterfeit food. Not real. Just brings disease and death to your soul instead of nourishing it and bringing LIFE to your soul.

What you are eating and drinking…is killing you.

The lies you are buying, and selling are costing you…more than you want to pay.

Back to Our Example

Say you build your own life…you are like the man who built his organization from the ground up. He chose the woman he wanted to marry. Didn’t consult Father…just picked the wife he was attracted to. Then he and his wife decided how many children they would or would not have…how they were to be raised…etc. He makes every decision for himself.

He had quite a following in the example, right? Lots of praises and worship from man. Lots of trophies. Treasures he accumulated along his way.

Ok…so when he stands before Father…say he lives to be 75 years old. He will then SEE and now KNOW intimately and personally the truth for the first time in 75 years. He will watch his entire kingdom burn to the ground and the ashes blow away in the wind. Nothing will be left standing. Nothing. He did not build for a LIFE time…what he built only lasted for a short time. The foolish man who built his entire existence on the sand. He sold his birthright…for temporary gain…temporary praises…temporary pleasure. Then he will see that for 75 years he labored in vain. That crown he got…the trophies…the praises and worship of man…all those accolades of man…that is all he gets. That’s it. What he got here on Earth…is all he will EVER get. Ponzi scheme…see? Absolutely NO investment in a positive retirement plan. It is all gone. Lost. Forever. He will now work for eternity. No rest. No relaxation. Just eternal labor…in the prison fields…in the prison camp…the death camp.


He enters Hell…and every single thing he treasured on Earth…he now despises because he is eternally tormented by the truth that he chose all that over Heaven. The truth…now becomes his tormentor because He didn’t submit to the truth here on Earth. He is haunted by his choices over and over and over and over. He hears the praises of man for eternity…he can’t shut them off and those praises torment him…because he knows he was never worthy of the praise to begin with. Only Father was and he failed to praise Father. In addition…he encouraged men to praise him…the man…instead.

The torment in Hell is on so many levels…it would blow your entire breaker panel over and over and over again if you tried to understand or comprehend what it is really like.


In Hell…what you treasured most on Earth…will be some of the things you HATE the most there. You will regret every death decision you ever made…over and over and over and over and over…for eternity. You have no idea what regret is…here on Earth. We have no comprehension of what torment is here on this Earth.

If you choose to go your own way…and build your own life…you have sold your birthright…to the enemy. You sold HIS plan for you…in exchange for a Ponzi scheme. Investing your entire life only to throw it away in the end. You will watch your investment burn up in the fire…despising the day of your birth…along with your birthright.

Today, you have the opportunity to get on board with His plan and drop your self-centered plans into the fire right now. Enter into the fire of purification and let Him burn up YOUR FLESH and die to your ways…getting on board with HIS WAY. Let Him choose how you should live…where you should go…who you should be…who you should associate with and who you should NOT associate with. Let HIM be your guide in this life…leading you into the after LIFE of Heaven. Live BY your birthright and inherit…your inheritance.

If you haven’t already sold your birthright…ask Him to show you what rights in this life…He allotted for you at your birth. The identity He set aside…made Holy…just for you.

You also have an inheritance…part of that inheritance is eternal LIFE with Christ.

His Crown of Thorns

Christ was given a crown of thorns for MANY reasons. Let’s touch BRIEFLY on two.

One…the thorns are a picture of pain. Thorns hurt when they touch your skin…but worse when they puncture or PIERCE your skin. He was PIERCED for our transgressions…meaning our disobedience to Father’s commands for us.

Christ endured enormous pain…for you. Enormous pain. HIS crown…came with PAIN.

That is a picture for us. He died for us…His Bride…so we are in turn…supposed to love Him so much that we die for Him. Reciprocity. See? It is about love. He loved us first…showing us how much He loved us…unto death. So now we love Him…showing Him how much we love Him…so we die…to our flesh…our disobedient, prideful, arrogant, selfish little selves.

The covenant of LIFE…is a covenant also of death. I die for you…you die for me. Do you see?

His expectation from and for His Bride…is for Her to love Him with the same love He loved Her with…and we show Him the evidence of that love…by our death. We are crucified…we no longer live…because we let our Husband…enter into us. Circumcise our hearts…and rule and reign as our head…of the body we are.


The crown also represents authority, right? A king or a queen gets a crown and that denotes authority in the land they are reigning in.

Christ was crowned. He was appointed by man as King of the Israelites.


Let me interject a note here. I want to clarify something. Not a fan of the terms Christians or Jews. I have many reasons for that…too much to type here. One…those are religions loosely based on the Bible…but a greater degree of those religions are based on man-made rules, regulations, doctrines, and traditions of man…that nullify Father’s words. I am not one to follow man, so I do not follow the ways of those religions. Don’t participate in their customs. I used to be in the Christian Religious System many years ago but when Father said get out…I got out.

Also, I don’t like to use the terms because they paint a picture, and many get the wrong picture. I am all about pictures and I want the picture you see in your mind to be clear and accurate. In the past, I used the terms Jew and Christian for lack of a better term, but I have come to a peaceful place in my mind on what terms/pictures I want to use.

I now use…Israelite and Non-Israelite. Those are terms that please Father. They are true and accurate in the picture we want to depict for you.

You can be a Jew and NOT be an Israelite…just like you can be a Christian and NOT be a follower of Christ.

The name, title, and/or position is NOT what sets you apart…it is the heart…that sets you apart.

Man judges by appearance which includes titles man appoints but Father judges by the heart of man.

Back to Authority

Christ was beaten, scorned, persecuted, falsely accused, mocked, vilified, reviled, judged, sentenced, condemned, and crucified…by the people He dearly loved. The nation who was His inheritance…the nation that was called by their birth…their right…their birthright…to be a part of His beloved Bride. He loved Her…and She crucified Him.

He had to die…to show Her what lengths He was willing to go…to win Her heart. Just how deep His love for Her was.

Following His resurrection…He included the NON-Israelite as part of His inheritance. He opened the Door…the Way…for the NON-Israelite to enter into a covenant of love with Him. ALL who wanted to accept His hand in marriage…His marriage proposal that He gave in the upper room…would be welcomed into His heart.

Your Crown

You see…no matter what age, race, gender, nationality, breed, tribe, or tongue…YOU are included in that invitation. You can accept His hand in marriage because He loves ALL of mankind. The love He felt for mankind at His death…included His love for you too.

If you accept His hand in marriage…PART of your birthright…is to be a part of a royal kingdom. Your inheritance is eternal LIFE in Heaven. Married…to perfection.

You see…Christ was appointed KING of the Israelites ON Earth…appointed and hailed by man. At this moment, Satan…is the prince of this world. He is in authority. Think King Saul and King David. Saul is a picture of Satan. David a picture of Christ. WHILE Saul was ruling as king…David was appointed by Father as king. David had to wait until Father Himself deposed Saul before he could rule and reign as King over the Israelites.

Christ…Yeshua…is patiently waiting as David waited…for Father to depose Satan as Father deposed Saul eventually. Christ has been appointed King over this Earth but is awaiting His appointed time to rule and reign here. The very men who crucified Him…also appointed Him as King over Israel…His inherited land and nation of this Earth.

Flesh vs Spirit

That had to happen first…in the flesh…by man on the old Earth.

There will come a time when Satan will be deposed, and the old Earth will pass away through a purification fire and Christ will reign as King over the new Earth. Man had to appoint Him in His flesh…and their flesh…first. It was an old covenant…a covenant of flesh. The New Covenant is a covenant of the Spirit. A covenant governed by the heart…His Spirit. The Spirit of love…which resides and governs in the heart…the temple He built by His hands. He does NOT reside in your churches…the houses built by the hands of man. He rules and reigns in the heart…this is why we are judged by the heart. The altar…is the heart. Your offerings either live or die there.

Christ as King will marry His Bride. Two…becoming one…to rule and reign over the Earth.

You can appoint yourself queen and/or king here on this Earth to a kingdom foolishly built on the sand…for temporary pleasure…and watch all of that labor…go down the drain…and then spend eternity in Hell regretting elevating and appointing self.

Or you can bow…lower self here…sacrificing your heart and your life…by dying daily to your flesh…living according to your identity in Christ…your birthright…and then inherit not only the Kingdom of Christ…but be crowned with Christ over the new Earth…ruling and reigning…in perfection and peace…for eternity.

The choice is yours alone to make. You get pain and death with either option…but the retirement plan is WORLD’s APART.

Which crown over which kingdom do you want?

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