Lassen National Park

lassen national park

I have traveling on the brain. Yesterday, I decided I might have a new hobby. Writing traveling reviews online. Oh, my GOODNESS…so much fun!

I am not sure why I haven’t discovered this before. It fits my personality. Photos, writing, and sharing my experiences with people in an informal way. I am afraid it might become an addiction. 🤔

The problem is…it is giving me the wantsies. I want to start traveling again. I want to upgrade my camera equipment. I want to buy a van and do the van life thing. See my problem? Long list of wants…hence the wantsies.

My thoughts are…this whole travel review could be a full-time gig for me. 🤔😉😍

Since I have traveling on the brain, I thought I would do a post on my trip out West two years ago.

Lassen Mud Pots

While traveling, most days…I had no clue where I was going to be that night let alone the next day. Super interesting way to live. Nomadic. I saw Lassen on the map, and it was on my way to the next destination, so I decided to check it out. No expectations whatsoever.

The boiling mud pots were my favorite part of the park. The stench and the heat were intense. I get the whole volcanos are hot after standing next to that thing. Just unbelievable to me how something can come out of the Earth with that kind of heat. Fascinating!

Emerald Lake

Emerald Lake
Emerald Lake at Lassen National Park

Emerald Lake was so incredibly green. I was amazed at just how emerald in color it was. Breath-taking in beauty. I think it is wonderful how consistent Father is in His creation…He makes these beautiful emerald gems in the earth and then also creates lakes to reflect that same color. So intelligent and consistent in His nature…shown through nature.

One of my favorite things to see and experience while out West was the water. It was always so clean looking and rich in color. In the Midwest, it is brown and toxic. Such a stark contrast for me. 😳

I took these pictures with my phone which at the time was a Galaxy Note. Gotta love having a pen with your phone. It has to be a writing thing. I need my pens.

This picture…I like. I like the leading lines on the left side that lead your eyes through the picture. Also…I like the sunspot…some may think it is gaudy, but I like it. Another thing I like about this picture is the stark contrast in the landscape as it goes from desolate-looking and brown tones to full of life and rich in greens and blues.

Don’t ya just think that color transformation is MARVELOUS? I do. Especially since it has this sloping to it where the first third at an angle looks like death and then you drive right into life on the right. So cool. Has spiritual implications if you see them.

Lassen was a nice park to drive in and see. Super quiet and not a lot of people there. Kind of isolated I think.

lassen national park
The road along the boiling mud pots.

2 thoughts on “Lassen National Park”

    1. It does show His power. I look at the boiling muddy water and think of how His wrath is like that…a volcano that erupts and bubbles out all over everything and everyone. Not a fan of anger…but we need His anger for justice. Seems like a two-edged sword. I love it but hate it.

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