Stacked Rocks

stacked rocks

When I lived in Indiana, I would walk along the riverfront. It made sense to me as the best place to spend my time walking. Of course, a lot of other people had the same idea. Personally, I prefer fewer people and more nature. Trying to find a more isolated walking spot, I discovered this off-the-beaten-path trail. BINGO! Found what I was looking for.

Tonto and I would frequently drive down to the lock and dam and walk this trail. He could run free without the leash, and I got to enjoy nature.

About midway down the path, was a huge tree that the river had washed up on the shore. It was super huge, super smooth, and super comfy to sit on and watch the barges go through the dam. I spent hours here sitting, reflecting, and watching the barges go through the dam.

german shepherd
Tonto enjoyed lying in the shade while I took pictures. Love his ears here…makes me wonder what he was thinking. He looks annoyed. 😂

The First Time

stacked rocks
Here they are in all their glory combined as a group shot. Kind of like they are all standing tall and posing for me. How fun!
I think this one is my favorite of them all. It is a stunner. How the bottom is so pointed and yet it stands compared to the top being wider and heavier. KUDOS! I was clapping at this one.
stacked rocks
What I loved about this one was the flat rock in the middle and how it breaks up the bulkiness between the two bigger rocks. I especially love the point on the top. AND it was pointing towards the river. So cool. Bravo!!!

If you keep walking the trail all the way to the end, you come upon a spot that will lead you down to the river’s edge. It is a really private area to sit and watch the barges…or the water lapping up against the rocks. My walk always included this spot. To my utter DELIGHT one morning, I saw all of these stacked rocks along the riverfront. I was GIDDY with DELIGHT! NOT kidding! It really takes so very little to cause me great delight. I am super fascinated by just about everything so seeing this group of stacked rocks that had magically appeared…was just incredible to me.

I went back home and got my camera so I could take pictures of them. Studying every single stack, I had SO MANY QUESTIONS. Who did this? WHY? How long did it take them? Why did they choose the rocks they did? How many stacks did they try that failed? What were they thinking when they were making them? Oh…my goodness…who are they?

The Second Round

I was starting to get settled down with the first batch of rocks when I show up one morning and there is a whole new addition to the first batch of stacked rocks.

NOW…I am beyond stunned. Giddier than before. Crazy! So much fun!

I determined whoever was doing it had to be a fun person. Who just randomly does that along a trail and then comes back and builds more? I figure a fun artsy fartsy person.

My hopes were…that I would eventually stumble upon the person building them so one…the mystery in my head would be solved…two…I could meet them…and three…I could ask them all the questions I had lingering in my mind.

Never happened. Lol. I eventually moved.

stacked rocks
The new additions to the stacked rock family! Just beauts!!!!
stacked rocks
I love that chunky looking one midway up. How did the person get the top one to stay balanced like that????
stacked rocks
I am so fascinated by how they chose to arrange them all and how they got them to stay. How long did it take to do that???

My Phone Camera

For this second batch of stacked rocks, I took photos with my phone. It was a Galaxy Note. Loved that phone for many reasons but I absolutely hated the camera. The camera was terrible in my opinion. These pictures are such a good example of why I thought the camera was terrible.

To me…the images have a high contrast grainy appearance to them but also, I think they lack the 3D feel. There isn’t enough depth between the objects. It feels flat to me. So horrifying.

I wish I wouldn’t have been lazy and just gone back home and got my other camera. Instead, I settled on these with my phone camera. Kicking myself in the rear here…but I figure these are better than NO pictures at all.

As I was perusing the pictures on my external hard drive last night, I saw these and it brought back these wonderful memories from my riverfront walks. Thought I would share. It was such a wonderful, delightful discovery. 😍

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