Trip to Nashville


Last summer, Hannah, Esme, and I took a trip to Nashville for an appointment Hannah had scheduled. We decided to make a stay of it and enjoy the city. It is a city we travel to often. So much to see and do there. For some reason, I have always loved Tennessee. Years ago, I got it in my head that I wanted to live in that state. I think it is beautiful…all over. Top to bottom…side to side. So much beauty in TN.

In 2001, I begged Father to let me move to Tennessee…He said no. Emphatically. He was/is immovable. Like a mountain.

Then in 2008, Father made me move to Indiana, and for a time I was content, but I always knew in my heart…not my home. I was always longing to leave it behind and find my home. I remember telling the kids when we moved there…don’t know how long we will be here. This is just a transition. Wow…the transition took longer than I had expected or wanted but that is pretty typical of walking with Father.

Little Esme. Adorable and incredibly sweet.
mother daughter
Hannah and Esme poolside.

Rooftop Pool

When Hannah and I were looking at places to stay in Nashville, we veered off our normal S.O.P. We typically stay at an Airbnb but Hannah was determined she was staying in a hotel with a rooftop pool. 🤣 I was fine with it…so we did.

Hannah loves to take pictures just as much as I do so when we travel…we are both snapping. I am thankful to have her pictures too.

At times, her pictures are better than mine.

rooftop view Nashville
I am wrapped up in photo world in my head. Had no idea Hannah was watching me.
rooftop view Nashville
The night sky was pretty. Thought this was a cool picture Hannah took.

For me…I am a people watcher. I LOVE to sit and watch people when I am in a public setting. My son Mitchell and I would often make up stories about who the person was, what they did, how they lived their life. He always told me…Mom…we should go into business together. Let’s be private detectives and have our own business.

Super funny. We loved watching mystery shows and trying to solve the mystery. We got SUPER good at it too. Columbo was one of our favorite shows. Give us a good murder mystery and we are all in. 🤨🤔🧐

Because I am so wrapped up in my head about watching others, I tend to forget others are watching me. 😂 I am lost in my little world…population me…24/7.

I find it shocking when Hannah or Vanessa pull out a picture they have taken of me while I am absorbed in my camera. Funny how that works.

avo lunch
The sliced cheese made from cashews…Yummo!


There is this wonderful restaurant in Nashville we like to frequent when in town. Avo. Their dairy-free cheesecake is SO GOOD.

When eating out, we gravitate to hippie-type establishments or fine dining. No fast food for us. It is mostly manufactured counterfeit “food” and I don’t consume that which is counterfeit. I love going to larger towns where people think out of the box with cuisine. It is easier to find establishments that will accommodate my diet.

I mostly eat a Paleo-style diet but mainly Crystal’s custom diet…but based more on the foods in the Paleo diet.

Super grateful to have restaurants that are health conscience today and remove the high-allergen foods for those of us who don’t consume the S.A.D diet. (Standard American Diet)

Hannah and I had a feast! I told her…I am eating every bite before we leave. I don’t care how long it takes me…I am not letting this food go to waste. Outback, they have a sand volleyball court and live entertainment from time to time. If you are ever in Nashville…check them out…if you like out-of-the-box food. If you eat according to the S.A.D. diet…you probably won’t appreciate the artistry of their food.


Love my smoothies!

I have a smoothie almost every single morning. Unapologetically. You can make a gazillion different concoctions of smoothies and still have something magically delicious. Crazy how that works. I have a little Ninja and that baby mixes smoothies like a wizard.

I have gotten my granddaughter hooked on them too. Every morning she comes running into my bedroom telling me to get up and make her a smoothie. So demanding!

The other day I had forgotten to put my microgreens in the smoothie. Remembered AFTER I started drinking it.

The next morning, Ahnalaya Ann said…Grandma…don’t forget your microgreens. Made me laugh for I had almost forgotten again. Smoothies are awesome and a great way to get some greens that you might not consume otherwise.

frutta bowls
My smoothie and Frutta bowl!

We had another wonderful trip to Nashville. 😍

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