Helmets Can Save Lives


The helmet in the featured image belongs to my son. He recently bought it brand new when he bought his new four-wheeler. I have always believed in the importance of wearing proper safety gear when riding off-roading vehicles along with motorcycles…but today…I have become a very strong advocate. Helmets can save lives.

I am a mother convinced my son’s helmet saved his life. Had he not been wearing that helmet…our outcome this morning would have been very different.

4 wheeler damage
Where the deer hit the front end.

The Call

A little after 6 this morning, I watched my son ride off in the dark on his 4-wheeler with his tree stand strapped on his back. About 15 minutes later, my phone rings. It is Donovan. I knew that was not good. It is dark…and he should be heading to his hunting spot…quietly preparing to kill a deer while bow hunting.

I answer the phone.

In a shaky, soft, distressed voice he says…Mom…I am hurt. I need help. I hit a deer with the 4-wheeler, and it flipped over on me, turned on its side, and skidded down the road.

Immediately…I was scrambling to get my clothes to head out the door.

As I am getting dressed, I am saying…tell me where you are.

I run and wake Vanessa up to tell her Donovan is hurt and we are going to have to get to the hospital. I run out the door.

When I arrived, the 4-wheeler was in the middle of the road lying on its side. We got it upright and I pushed it off the road in front of a nearby shed. I throw all the gear in the bed of my truck and off we go to the hospital with Vanessa and the kids meeting us there later.

The Story

While Donovan was driving down the road at about 30 miles an hour, a doe ran out in front of him. He hit her head on. It flipped the 4-wheeler end over end…landing on him, then turning on its side before skidding down the road until it stopped.

After scanning and x-raying his body, we came home with his right thumb broken and splinted. His left wrist was broken and in a cast above his elbow. His right leg is in an immobilizer due to a broken kneecap. His other knee is in a brace.

We have to see the orthopedic this week to see if the wrist will need to be fixed surgically. As always, preparing for the worst…hoping for the best.

Super, super, super thankful all injuries are minor compared to what they could have been.

4 wheeler damage
Skid marks on the top of the handlebars.

As I was doing wound care on him this evening, I was thankful he had recently purchased all new expensive winter hunting apparel. The layers and added padding greatly reduced his road rash wounds. Although his new clothing is ruined…his skin damage was minor.

Grateful Beyond Measure

The trauma of today has exhausted us all, but we are trying to see the positives through it…and bring a little humor into it as well.

Donovan said earlier…I need my back adjusted but my ribs hurt, so that is out. 😂

He has been adjusting my back for me since I moved here…but now that is out. Vanessa is the runner-up for me. 😆 Someone has to adjust my back for me…normally it is either Mitchell or Donovan who gets the job done for me.

Donovan’s birthday is this week…he will be spending it on the couch. At least we will get to spend the day with him to celebrate. 😍


One aspect of trauma I really do love…is how it brings out your appreciation of those you love.

As Donovan and I were kicked back on the couch this evening doing some family bonding with Liam Neeson…he very softly and sweetly with much emotion…said…Mom…thanks for all the help.

Melt my heart. 💙 🥲

I responded…Donovan, I am so thankful you are alive, and your injuries aren’t worse than they are.

Super thankful I was here. I have been in that place before…being a mom with young children and getting the trauma call to get to the ER. Vanessa appreciated the ability to get the kids up and get them ready while someone was tending to Donovan. Ahnalaya Ann says…we are all working together to take care of Daddy.

Yes, we are.

Helmets really can save lives. That was not the first trip for me racing someone to the ER after a 4-wheeler accident. Twice in my life, I have experienced the difference a helmet can make when ATV accidents happen.

To those you love…spend as much time with them as you can…tell them how much you love and appreciate them…and if you ride ATVs and motorcycles…ALWAYS wear ALL the safety gear…especially the helmet. We don’t ride without it! Grateful that was a rule from the very beginning with my kiddos.

Tonight…we are celebrating LIFE.

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