Vanessa and Kids

little girl on road portrait

We had planned to do a fall family photo shoot with Donovan, Vanessa, and the kids but then Donovan had his accident. The accident changed our plans. Instead, I did a photoshoot with Vanessa and the kids.

We had a great time spending time outdoors together while Donovan took a nap. 😆

I am still enamored with fall in Michigan. Super pretty. Can’t remember a more beautiful fall for me in my life. Such a sweet time this year.

I discovered a few things about my granddaughter while doing this shoot.

Every time she naturally/genuinely smiles…her body moves. The child kicks her legs out, throws her hands up, scrunches her face, turns her head, etc. Getting her to smile and NOT move…wow…almost impossible.

If we get her to smile while NOT moving…the smile is so fake…it makes us laugh. It is terrible!! Thankfully, she doesn’t do fake well. Going to train her to stay just like that.

I finally decided to shoot her as she was. Hence the featured image of her playing on the road. That is exactly how she behaves. She is a nature nut like her dad and Grandma. She loves being outside, digging in the dirt or sand, and collecting bugs. I am not sure how many grasshoppers she held prisoner this summer. She was constantly getting spit on by them. Didn’t bother her a bit.

mother son outdoor portrait
Vanessa and Archer
archer nature portrait
Mr. Archer Aspen!

Family Lineage

I was telling Vanessa the other day…there is this family lineage thing going on in our family. My dad was his mother’s son. Meaning…he was just like his mother. I am my father’s daughter. Just like my dad. Tammy always says…I am a carbon copy of him. Donovan is his mother’s son. My mini-me. Ahnalaya Ann is her father’s daughter. ORNERY! Fascinates me how this has happened. I wonder now if my grandmother was just like her dad. Dad is gone so I can’t ask him if he knew. 🤨

mother son photo shoot
I am head over heels in love with this little boy.
mother and children outdoor photoshoot
Ahnalaya Ann was always collecting leaves while we were shooting.
fall outdoor photoshoot
She is the CUTEST! Love how excited and animated she gets.
vanessa outdoor portrait
Love this woman.


I am super proud of these pics. Finally, I feel like I am starting to get the hang of photography. Especially when it comes to doing portraits. So thankful my models to practice on are family…and are super fun to practice with. 😍

I have so much more to learn…but I want to know it all. I am asking Father for a download of all knowledge. Would love to have all the skills I need in one shot.

I think that would be super cool!!! A dream I have. Actually…a dream I have had for a very long time.

Hoping dreams really do come true!! 💙

mother daughter fall photo shoot
Love the pigtails!

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