walking on Lake Michigan

The last few weeks have been a blur. I have been super busy and productively so. Makes me happy. Happiness is a wonderful thing.

I have moved a couple of times during those weeks. Tonight is the first night I have been fully settled into my new home. It is late, I can’t sleep, and I am reflecting on my life. These pictures have been popping up in my mind all day while I was busy working.

I decided to do a blog post and share my heart. It makes me happy…so why not.

In between my two moves, part of the fam got together to do a late first birthday party for little Archer Aspen.

While doing a day trip to Traverse City, Donovan purchased a new puzzle. 1,000 pieces. Our family tackled it the next afternoon. We have an efficient puzzle system. I started doing puzzles when I was a child and my kids have adopted the hobby as well. Makes me happy to see them working together.

kids doing puzzle
The fam doing a 1,000-piece puzzle.

Lake Michigan
Love the view.

My entire life is a prophetic picture. Many pictures actually. My kids are no exception. It makes me smile to see them working the system, figuring out the pieces, and building the beautiful picture together. That is what our family does in the natural realm and in the spirit realm. It is how Father created us to work.


Tonight, as I sit here reflecting, I can’t begin to express the gratitude I feel for my life. Although it has been a rough one, I wouldn’t change a thing. Each hardship has made me the woman I am today.

This week, Father has been lightening my load. Both in the natural realm and in the spirit realm. Removing burdens that I have been carrying for so long.

The freedom is insanely glorious. It sounds crazy to say…but I am called that often…so why not.

I feel like I am in wedded bliss. It is a picture of the marriage covenant to Christ. Marrying the truth. I love the truth. I love Him who is the truth.

Father…and Christ…have been bending over backward these days to smother me in love. Not even kidding.

The stability. The security. The safety. The protection. The provision. The honor. The respect. Unimaginable rewards for my obedience to Him over the last thirty years. I have decided looking like a fool…was worth every moment.

Peace. Joy. Happiness.

I went from immeasurable suffering…to immeasurable joy…bliss. Peace.


I have decided serving Him was worth it. He has only just begun to repay me for my suffering and already…it made it all worth it. It is forgiven…so much in the past for me. Amazing how powerful the truth can be…to set you free.

Euphoric in nature. Pleasure…divine.

Little Archer Aspen

No matter how painful it can be to follow Father in humble obedience…it is worth the cost. Every bit of it…and it cost me everything.

Christ is worth it. The truth is worth it. Embrace the truth…always…for it is the only thing that can set you free. The truth is what brings happiness to your heart.

2 thoughts on “Happiness”

  1. NotJustAnotherChristian

    Thank you for your post! I needed to be reminded that I’m not missing out on a single thing what Father has for me is way more valuable than anything I could possible come up with in my own noggin. HE is preparing my sister Marissa and I very much so and if we cannot do these small task of obedience for Him we will not be trusted to handle the tasks that call for greater commitment and obedience. So blesed that Father has rooted you INTO becoming a daughter, a woman and a mother of His truth.

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