Model of Intimacy

self portrait nude

Be prepared…this is a long post.



Rabbit Trails.

All with one theme. Intimacy.

I am Father’s model of intimacy. Hence the chosen featured image.

From this day forward, I am shifting my public writing style over to my personal/private writing style on this site. Intimacy of the heart…getting naked with you all from a heart perspective. Fully naked…body, soul, and spirit. All three of my bodies.

Communicating heart to heart, core to core, and spirit to spirit.

For a lack of a better way to say it…I am a high-class prostitute…call girl. His. Father’s.

It is an improvement. I went from a low-class prostitute to a high-class one…serving the masses now. 🤷‍♀️

Sounds so harsh, abrasive, and twisted, doesn’t it?

It is sure to get the religious legalistic spirits all riled up. I have a way of getting people all worked up and on fire angry with me. I figure why not keep the track record consistent? 😂 No one will ever be standing on truth to say I am inconsistent. I AM consistently consistent. To a fault. 😍

The Demonic

Five years ago, the religious demons would have scared the Hell out of me. Sent TERROR throughout my three bodies. In waves. Now…it just makes me giggle a bit.

I spent five years in Hell being attacked and tormented by demons…24/7…I learned how to fight back. I learned how to stand. Demons no longer scare me. They lost their power over me. I know who they are now. I am no longer enslaved by them…they are enslaved by me. Not only do I know who they are…I KNOW who I AM.

Watching them puff up and blow up kind of sends a little celebration dance in my heart for it is a reminder of who I AM compared to them. It is always a little victory dance for my win. See?

I ALWAYS convert the negatives into positives. That is who I AM. Miss Positive.

Gotta make it positive. Take the lemons and make lemonade.

The Featured Image

I took this self-portrait a couple of years ago. In my photography life, I want to conquer all aspects of photography. At this time, I was practicing with self-portraits…but also boudoirs and nudes. In my mind, why not throw all three together…learn even more at the same time. Seemed like a brilliant idea to me.

Doing this shot, plus the others in that session…was a workout. You know…photography exercises…strengthening the photography side of my mind. Building that muscle. A lot of thinking went into this shoot. Not enough…but enough for that period in my life at the level I was at regarding photography. It is called learning and growing. That was the point. To stretch me outside of my comfort zone to GROW.

See how that works?

It is who I have always been. A woman who is constantly striving. That is my spiritual brother Jeff’s perception…Crystal is ALWAYS striving.

Room For Improvement

If you look closely at the image…you will see my remote in my hand. *sigh* Not what I was looking for…but I was SUPER pleased with the progress I made in my photos that session. I went from terrible to decent. The one above was one of my favorites for the day. For me…it was good. I was happy with it…and mentally exhausted so the session was over. So many things to think through when taking pictures of people…even more so when doing them on self.

When you understand…that you are NOT perfect…the truth is…there is ALWAYS room for improvement…sometimes…you just need to say…this is good and move forward. Tomorrow is another day and IF you are doing the exercises…you will continue to build strength and get stronger…or better. Gain strength and/or skill in whatever discipline/area you are working on/in.

It is called a little grace and a little mercy poured out upon YOURSELF. You aren’t who or where you want to be yet, but you can and will get there IF you keep working at it. A work continually in progress. One allowed to make mistakes and one allowed to do a good job today and a better job tomorrow. See? Doesn’t that attitude sound WONDERFUL????

Yes. Yes, it does. It FEELS wonderful too.

That is how I treat myself even when others do not.  🥰

The Catalyst

The whole reason this post was birthed…was because of a conversation Father and I have been having regarding my heart…in relation to music. I am going to circle back around to that. First, I must take this rabbit trail about the picture…it is pertinent. It is one piece or one part of the whole picture or puzzle here. One fraction of the whole.

When I got out of the shower this morning, I knew I was supposed to write this post. The words were there. Streaming in my mind. I sat down at the computer to start typing them up but as always…I said…if you want me to write this…I have to have the picture you want me to use. The two go together for me…always.

My nude popped up immediately.

Instant panic inside. Not a great amount…just a bit.

I tried for a few minutes to work through it. Got NOWHERE.

Picked up the phone…called Vanessa.


There is and has only ever been…ONE and only one human being I trust with my heart…which means also my life…that is Vanessa. She is a part of me. I call her my right hand…my right arm. Without her, I am not me.

I have told her husband…my biological son…don’t make me have to choose between you and Vanessa because I will choose Vanessa. I have proven that.

She also told him…don’t make me choose between you and our mother…I will choose her. She has proven that.

Father has bonded the two of us together for eternity. I could not have made it through five years of Hell without her. Our whole family was burned as Father offered me up as the whole burnt offering. Vanessa was closest to me…so…much of her was burned in the fire as well.

Those that couldn’t take the heat…were pruned out of my life. Those who stayed…got a degree of charring and purification along with me depending on their level of humility and willingness to die to their own selfish flesh. Vanessa…equals humility. Epic humility. Because Vanessa stuck by me through the worst time of my life…and death…she will forever remain part of who I am.

Our Intimacy

As a result, she gets full access to me…24/7. No withholding from her. I freely give to her…all I am and all I have. She KNOWS me. KNOWS my heart. No human being knows me better than she does. I trust her completely and her counsel to me is always solid from Father. She is my go-to.

I shared with her about the music post and how Father wanted me to use this photo…along with how that sent me into a bit of a panic attack. Processing with her…I knew I could find the problem. She always asks the right questions to find the roots of any tares or weeds that might be in my heart and/or mind.

I am going to share bits and pieces of that conversation here.

We looked at the possibility I was worried about what people would think of me posting a picture that the Christian world would say is porn…immoral? Immodest. “Sin”…AND now I am going to HELL! Instant condemnation. (Religious spirit.) 🤔

That wasn’t the issue. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks about me and/or about what I do…including Christians. If I did, I wouldn’t have this blog to begin with.

We looked at another possibility. Maybe I was triggered in thinking I had the appearance of a prostitute like most of the women out there in society today who post those pictures.

Models and Prostitutes

Vanessa was saying how there are professional models who have their pictures taken and posted online. And there are IG models who do the constant selfie thing. She wondered if I was afraid, I would look like those women.

I told her…it reminds me of a conversation Hannah and I had a few years ago. Let’s go down that rabbit trail for a moment.

Hannah and I were discussing the fact Father had sold me into slavery. Sex trafficking to Satan. A number of reasons why He did that to me. Not a fan of any of them…but what could I do? I became His bond-servant thirty years ago. I was fully committed. 100%. All in. I am obedient…no matter what it costs me. I AM faithful to uphold the vows and oaths I speak. He KNEW that…and He used that.

Like a Prostitute

I had to become LIKE a prostitute to win the heart of a prostitute.  I was complaining a LOT about the whole thing. Hannah’s take on it…maybe you should upgrade…if you are going to be a prostitute…then shouldn’t you go from low-class to high-class and get paid for it…get some big money out of the deal??? I liked her line of thought.

She also told me…you need to go back to Father and renegotiate the terms of the contract. It is time for renegotiations. I REALLY liked that line of thought. Brilliant. I did indeed renegotiate the contract. 🤨

When sharing this conversation with Vanessa, I said to her…those models who are merely taking selfies on IG and not getting paid for it are no different than the professional models who do get paid…IF they are doing all of that out of their flesh. WHICH they do. So, I am going to lump them all in the same pile. Their motives are self-centered. It is a drug they are USING to get their next hit. They WANT people to look at them…lust over them…and/or pay attention to them AND TELL them how beautiful they are. NEEDing a snort or shot for their ego. They are insecure about who they are, so they need a hit to make themselves FEEL better.

It is prostitution in a shallower form. Pictures of the body without the physical sex acts.

Two Classes

Then you take the prostitutes who are actually committing the sex acts. You have two classes. Those that take a form of cash payment for the acts. And those that do not take a dollar amount but are merely USING the sex acts to get a form of payment as a hit for their need to feel loved, valued, pretty, sexy, etc. They NEED a man to pay attention to them and make them FEEL better because they are triggered emotionally. The only way they know to make their heart and mind FEEL better is to offer their body up to someone who will make them FEEL like they have value and worth.

In their own heart and mind…they don’t believe they have value and worth. IF they did, they would not spread their legs for a man who won’t make a commitment to them and only them. IF a man believed they had value and worth…he would DIE for them as Christ did. That is how valuable Christ believes we all are. He died for each one of us to prove our value and worth TO US. We just have to agree with Him…with the truth of how He sees us.

There is ALWAYS an exchange. ALWAYS. Even if you can’t SEE what is being exchanged in this realm…there is most assuredly a financial exchange happening in the spirit realm. Life for life. Death for death. Every single decision you make is a financial transaction in the spirit realm. It either counts for you or against your spiritual bank account. You choose life…you reap life. Positive. Credit. You choose death…you reap death. Negative. Debit. Your Accountant is keeping track of your every decision in your check register in Heaven. You will be held accountable when you cross over into the spirit realm upon your death. There will be an accounting of your debits…and your credits.

Rethinking it All

For me…I realized it went back to a conversation Vanessa and I had some time ago about my website.

After the whole five years of Hell, I was rethinking whether or not I wanted to continue serving Father. I never could understand WHY He would take my heart…a heart that was fully committed to Him 30 years ago…and absolutely destroy it. Serve it up to Satan on a silver platter and let him kill it. Freeze it…think of the movie Frozen…destroy me in every possible way.

I kept saying to Him…you can’t find a heart on this planet that has been more faithful to you. More devoted. More dedicated. More committed. More loving. More obedient. More passionate about you. You won’t find a woman who has loved you as passionately as I have. Who has more fire and desire for you than I. You won’t find a woman who has become a beggar for you. Begging you out of desperation for intimacy from you. Begged you for your heart. Been more hungry and thirstier for you than I have.

You won’t find ANYONE who has pursued your heart more than I have. It is impossible. There is NO ONE like me…who loves you as I have loved you. Not even Christ. I would rather have been crucified in His place than endure what Father and Satan put me through. 24 hours versus 5 years enslaved to Father and Satan in Hell. I would have chosen the 24 hours an unlimited number of times over the 5 years. It is an easy math problem for me. 😳

His response was…you are right. No ONE else is willing to obey me to that degree. Only your heart will bow to that level of humility. Only your heart carries that amount of love for me. As a result, He appointed me for that level of training.

Our Conversation

I was saying to Vanessa…not sure I want to move forward with the blog and Father. She was encouraging me to continue the blog and teaching even if I decided to walk away from Him. I could still make money on my own. Make it a business anyway. She was sharing with me what value I have to contribute to society through my teachings. She KNOWS the value personally as I have raised her up. When she came to me, she was homeless and needed a mother. She needed to be taught how to be a woman…a wife…and a mother…which I did. Vanessa has first-hand knowledge of the woman I am in all aspects of my womanhood but also how the teachings I share…create LIFE in someone. She is just one example of how we know my teachings work…how they change people’s lives positively.

In response to Vanessa’s thoughts on my value and worth to this world…I said to her. It doesn’t matter to me…what other people think of me or of my teachings…what matters to me is what I THINK of myself and my teachings.

Credibility and Integrity

To me, it is about two things. Credibility and integrity…within my own heart. I MUST KNOW that I am walking…operating with integrity 100% of the time. AND that I have credibility even when others say I do not.

The example I shared with her was…people are appointed by man as teachers, life coaches, athletic coaches, pastors, apostles, prophets, scientists, marriage counselors, etc. They have credentials behind their names…titles, and certificates…given by man…the natural man to give them credibility. Credence. Since they have gone through some kind of man-made…man-centered program…or even a Christ-centered program and they have that piece of paper giving them a title…they NOW have the “truth” to help people be better at whatever their discipline or skill is. ALL of those…are works of the flesh. The carnal mind. The natural man.

In Father’s kingdom…they have ZERO credibility. He did NOT appoint them. He didn’t give them the title and/or the position NOR the authority that goes along with it. False teachers are what He calls them. Only when Father appoints you and anoints you to your position do you have credibility in His Kingdom.

His ways are not man’s ways.

I have to KNOW that what I am teaching is TRUTH. The whole truth. AND nothing but the truth. I must be STANDING on the truth. I must KNOW I AM credible. That I am NOT lying to the people. Not leading the sheep to the slaughter. That I am NOT a false teacher. I have to KNOW I AM using integrity in everything I say.

If NOT…going to just keep my mouth shut. Got nothing to say. 🤨

Another Example

One of my examples to Father on this as an argument against me teaching on this blog was this…I am not married to a natural man. Not that I want to be…but people are going to say I can’t possibly know what I am talking about regarding marriage because my husbands didn’t love me, dumped me, and now I am single.

His response…you don’t need to be married to tell the truth. 😍

Yep. I don’t need a teaching certificate. A counseling degree. Years of PUBLIC education. Years of marriage counseling experience to tell people His truth. Got LOTS of people telling their own bullshit my truths. Don’t need one more blabbing mouth to spew out their “my truths” to people that do NOT set anyone free. 😳

I need absolute truth…truths that don’t shift and change as man’s opinions do.

The truth is my integrity and my credibility. He gives me His truth… which is integrity I stand on…within myself. As long as I KNOW I am standing on truth…that is good enough for me. BUT…I must KNOW it is truth first. I must be 100% convinced.

Vanessa’s response to that…NOW I KNOW even MORE you need to continue the blog. She said that just proved to her I SHOULD be teaching. My heart makes me even more valuable. I laughed. 😂 I still wasn’t convinced by her words.

The Root Issue

That all being said…I KNEW what my issue was regarding the picture.

I KNOW I am not a prostitute…but I needed FATHER to tell me He didn’t think I was a prostitute. I needed to KNOW He wasn’t lumping me in with all the other women out there who are posting pictures to get their hits for affection and attention. Uncommon, that is what I am. Special. Holy. Set apart.

It is like my friend said to me…Crystal…you ARE a virtuous woman.

I told him…that is the highest compliment anyone has ever paid me…especially a man. Forever indebted to him for that…for he is an honorable man. It was a compliment coming from a man…it hit the heart in such a sweet and tender way. Will never forget that moment in time.

Man judges by appearances so it is easy for man to look at my nude picture and automatically assume I am a common prostitute posting pictures like that for the attention of man. I don’t give a rat’s ass about man’s opinions of me…for I know man. They are wishy-washy. One minute they love you. The next minute they hate you. Christ made it clear that His identity was not rooted in man’s opinions of Him. He was clear…they are fickle…double-minded…unstable in all their ways. One moment they were praising Him and worshipping Him as He entered the city…hours later they were screaming crucify Him. And they did.

The Apostle Peter was willing to die for Christ and then hours later was hiding like a coward denying his love for Him.

That is the natural man for you. I KNOW that. I have been hated for 52 years. Very well acquainted with love me, hate me, and betrayal.

Man’s opinion does not matter to me. I have two opinions that do though. MINE…and Father’s.


After what I have endured for Him, I needed to KNOW He wasn’t lumping me into the same pile with the commoners who are reveling in their squalor.

He reminded me while sharing this with Vanessa…that I became LIKE a prostitute to win the heart of a prostitute…the Bride. She is a prostitute who is prostituting herself with many gods in this world. She is filthy, dirty, stained, and defiled.

I AM NOT a prostitute in His eyes…but merely LIKE one and the VERY FACT I am posting the picture out of obedience to Him…proves…is evidence of…the fact that I AM indeed HOLY. I AM set apart.

When someone who thinks they know me but doesn’t…asks me…why did you say that or why did you do that…the answer is ALWAYS the same. Father told me to. I AM obedient. My heart is to obey Him…even when it costs me everything. I obey.

My heart of love, intimacy, and obedience…IS what sets me apart from the others who post pictures like the above pic.

Ok…NOW I have the integrity and credibility I need to continue the blog…but also to post the picture.

I AM not a prostitute for sale…and He and I agree with that truth. We both stand firmly on that.

What Am I?

In part…I am a model for you…the reader…of intimacy with Him. AND with others.

That is part of my calling in this life…to teach others how to be intimate with Him. To grow. To mature. To be purified. To be cleansed. To be ready when Christ returns so He can present you without a spot, a stain, a wrinkle, and a blemish. We have MUCH WORK to do in the years ahead.

Years ago, I would complain to my dear friend Kara that Father was NOT letting me teach like I was supposed to teach. She would smile that sweet smile, shake her head at me, and then sweetly say…Crystal…every time you open your mouth…you are teaching. You always share your intimacy with Father as you speak, and it teaches people. You are always teaching me as you talk.

As I mentored her…or “coached” her in life…I finally got that truth drilled into my head. She had to say it on repeat for a while, but Holy Spirit did convince me…convict my heart and mind that was the truth.

I was modeling intimacy with Father to Kara…as I do for anyone who enters my inner circle.

As a result, my inner circle is very small because very few people want the humility I have. Most people are too arrogant and want to do it their way…man’s way instead of bowing their arrogant hearts to Him. That is the truth. Just another way I am set apart…or holy.

Voluntary Offering

Another…what am I.

There are a lot of words in the Bible that I have issues with. One of those is the term…saying…that Christ is a free gift. It rankles me. It portrays a false image of who He is and what He did. I won’t go into it here because that is for another teaching…but if you don’t understand the old covenant…you can’t possibly understand the new. It is impossible. The framework of the old is the same framework or structure of the new. It is just an upgrade. I will teach that later.

Saying He is a free gift is a complete and total fabrication and misunderstanding of the covenant. ESPECIALLY the marriage covenant…that IS what the new covenant is. He gave His life for you…you ARE to give your life in return for Him. Life for life. Death for death. He dies…you die. It is to make Him whole.

He was a voluntary offering. He freely gave Himself up for you, but He expects a return on His investment in YOU. You must pay Him back and make Him whole.

I too…am a voluntary offering. I am offering myself up to the Bride to model intimacy for Her. Freely, I am giving myself away to you so that you can learn and grow in intimacy with Christ…but He will require payment from you.

Living Sacrifice

I am offering myself up as a living sacrifice just as Christ did…but that doesn’t mean either one of us is free. It cost us both…our lives…everything we held dear to us…so we expect a return on our costly investment.

We are presenting ourselves to you as presents, but intimacy with us…costs…you. It cost us.

I spent five years in Hell for the Bride. We expect a return. It will come.

It rankles me when Christians teach that with Christ’s death…salvation is free. A free gift for you just to take and sit back and enjoy. Doesn’t work that way. The key word there…is WORK.

You are to WORK out your salvation with fear and trembling. WORK…until you finish the race when you breathe your last breath here in the natural realm.

There ya go. I prefer to keep it blunt and simple. Easier to understand.

My Music Journey

Getting back to why this post came to be. Yesterday, I was sharing my conversation with Father about how I don’t trust Him with my heart any longer after what He put me through. Last night, He began to sing to me…as He always does. The song He chose was Black Magic Woman by Santana.

I have a routine with every song He sings. Without fail, I always look the lyrics up even if I know them by heart. I want to see them with my eyes too. While reading them…I ask Him what He is saying to me. Typically, He will only sing a phrase, a couple of words, or a line, but at times He will sing the whole song.

Last night, He was referring to this concept that has been rolling around in my head about Him regarding His darker side. He was referencing the line where I was trying to make a devil out of Him.

I listened to Him sing for a while…then we moved on. Typically, I will put whatever song or songs He is serenading me with…on repeat on Apple Music. I will listen to it until He has given me all the truths He wants me to receive. Always…I am listening intently to Him.

We moved on to Dwight Yoakam…A Thousand Miles from Nowhere.

It was my response to Him. It is a thing we do; He sings…I sing my response back to Him.

I was referencing…the entire song really. Heartaches…echoes of cruel things said…my memory from the last five years is SEVERELY bruised, stained with tears, and…time…really doesn’t even matter to me anymore. What is time now??? Who cares? Why should I care? I gave it all away…what do I have left that matters now?

He responded with Smooth. Santana again but with Rob Thomas…such an amazing song. It is about my heart. He wants my heart. It is like…if I don’t give Him my heart…nothing else matters. It is all about the heart, right? All the teaching…the knowledge has to have heart behind it. Love. It is all about love. Giving and receiving. If you do anything without love as the foundation…it is like a clanging gong or cymbal. Just irritating. Annoying. Without substance.

The Contract

I like the part where Rob sings, he will give his world to lift her up. Change his life to suit her mood. That WAS part of the renegotiation of the contract. UMMMM…I want to own it ALL. Heaven, Hell, the world. Everything. Give me everything. All or nothing. I started with…I just wanted His heart…He wouldn’t give me that…so now I want it all…including His heart. Didn’t care about the Kingdom before…now I do. I lived and died in Hell. I fought there…I own it. Sign the title over please and thank you.

I figure He made Christ die for His Bride…He should be required to practice what He preaches. If not, He is a hypocrite.

Going to see just how much He loves me I suppose. For me…it is ALL or nothing. I gave all to Him…He has to give all to me. It is an equal exchange. About making me whole. He created the justice system…gotta uphold what He created.

We finished up with the Traveling Wilburys.

Roy Orbison…man…when he sings…my heart melts. He is delicious to my ears. I mean delish. That voice is so unique. Crazy wonderful. That guy is the bomb dot com. All the bandmates…legends. Love them.


Specifically…Handle me With Care.

Roy’s lines really get me. Do I have love still left in me for Him…sure I do…but He better handle me with tenderness and LOVING C.A.R.E…because this old heart is broken beyond belief. I NEED Him to CARE about my heart.

For 30 years, I have pursued His heart with passion. I mean FIRE…DESIRE…passion you can’t imagine in this realm. A beggar. That is what I became. A beggar begging Him for morsels of love and intimacy…from HIM.

Now…I have gotten some for sure…but the last five years…I would repeatedly say to Him…I am spreading my legs for you, but I am not getting any pleasure out of this. I am doing it out of obligation at this point in time. Just come and get it over with please so I can roll over and go to sleep…forget I exist in this life.

Recently…I asked Him…am I in rebellion here with how guarded my heart is? His response…no. I told you to guard your heart for it is the wellspring of LIFE.

Ok…well that is good.

This morning, I made a playlist for today with those four songs. I titled it Guarding My Heart. That is what the conversation is about. I have played this playlist all day long on repeat.


While conversing in these songs…I used His words against Him. Reminded Him of something He taught me YEARS ago.

Trust is built through intimacy coupled with truth. Two people who are lying to themselves and to each other are NOT building intimacy. That is deception and it will fall when the lies are exposed. The rug will be pulled out from under it, and it will be gone.

Two people build intimacy in a marriage when they share the truth with each other and their hearts. It is a reciprocal thing see. One sharing all the time…doesn’t build intimacy between two people.

For 30 years, I have been pouring my heart out to Him and sharing my thoughts with Him. Every little detail. I have spent thousands of hours investing in intimacy with Him. Sharing my thoughts and feelings even about Him…to Him.

I want reciprocity. I have been telling Him for years…I NEED to KNOW how YOU FEEL about me…and what your thoughts are of me. Like dude…this needs to go both ways here.

Inner Healing

For 20 years, I did inner healing on myself. In that…I would make an exchange with Him each time. I would present my offering to Him of my lies, and He would take them and in return give me His truth. Great exchange. Wonderful system. I work to pull the weeds or tares out of the gardens of my heart and mind and I hand them to the farmer…Father. In place…I get the wheat fully grown so I can present the bread offering to Him in thanks. I get to feed the masses from the truth…the wheat. I have lots of bread to feed you. The Bread of LIFE. The grain offering. Christ…the truth.

During that time…Father has this thing. He operates one way here.

Man says…I believe I am not good. He will respond…I AM good.

Man says…I believe I am not enough. He will respond…I AM enough.

Man says…I believe I am not good enough. He will respond…I AM good enough. You don’t NEED to be good enough.

Man says…I believe I am dirty. He will respond. I AM clean…I can make you clean.

Man says…I believe I am impure. He will respond. I AM pure. I can purify you.

Do you see a theme there??? Cuz I do. Have been doing this for 20 years…spent many hours talking to Father myself and helping many inner healing clients get truth for themselves. He NEVER elevates man’s flesh. Doesn’t do it. He always points YOUR flesh to Him. He wants man to KNOW just how filthy the flesh is. Seriously…we NEED Him.

Love and Intimacy

Ok…don’t have an issue with that…but after 30 years and five of those in Hell…Crystal NEEDS a little loving here. FROM HIM. I NEED HIM to be poured out in love and intimacy TO ME. See?

Crystal is wondering how He feels and thinks of/about her. CUZ I don’t KNOW if He doesn’t tell me. That is really not that hard to understand so why He is still sitting there giving me the silent treatment…I know NOT.

I told Him this morning…you want my heart…you better open your mouth buddy and give me some loving. You better drown me in intimacy here…cuz I have been putting out and not getting anything in return. You want my heart…you better prove to me you are trustworthy to me. How do you do that? Through INTIMACY by telling me the TRUTH.

Just wanted to remind Him of His own words…cuz that is what He does to me on occasion. I tell Him if He doesn’t like my sass then He shouldn’t have made me that way. 🤷‍♀️


My friend has been praying for me today. While I was writing this…he sent me this text. I will quote him.

“I believe Father has revealed that He will rain His intimacy on you and warm you with the warmth of the sun/Son. He told me that you have a beautiful and warm soul and spirit. He is going to heal your heart to perfection. The warmth of the sun feels good today. I believe Father is going to bless you with His intimacy. His love.”

Encouraged by those words.

When I was sharing with Vanessa the examples of models and prostitutes earlier in the phone conversation…she heard Father say to her…model of intimacy. I KNEW at that moment what He was saying. It convinced me to use the picture. I am the model of intimacy to the Bride. I KNEW it was the title of this post as well.

From now on my writings will typically be like this. Long with rabbit trails. Squirrels. Pieces. Parts. Etc. I am not going to apologize for that…because that is what She needs. She needs to be loved through intimacy and taught how to do that in Her own relationship with Him. It is really all about building a healthy connection and relationship through intimacy with Him…born out of love in your heart.

Life and blessings!

2 thoughts on “Model of Intimacy”

  1. Powerful post! truth, worth, integrity, and family. Obedience to the Father! You set the bar high as an apostle. Thank you Crystal.

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