How Sweet It Is

nessa text

At 4 am this morning, Father woke me up serenading me with the words by James Taylor…How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You). He didn’t sing the whole song…just kept repeating that line.

It made me chuckle. My response…it sure must be…RADICAL OBEDIENCE. How could my love for you NOT be sweet???

I told Him…going to take a whole lot more than that to penetrate this heart.

I appreciated the TINY bit of lovin’ I got there. It is something.

Thankful He hasn’t choked the life out of me for my sassy mouth. But He knows…if I had the opportunity to get my hands on His throat some days…I would have choked the life out of Him.

Lewis Capaldi

Following the song, He wanted to talk about Vanessa. I will circle back around to that conversation. After we chatted a bit about her, He started singing Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi.

I have a thing for the dude. He absolutely baffles me. For one…he is hysterical. I can get lost on YouTube watching his interviews. I love the Graham Norton show and he once popped up on my Graham Norton list…it was a downhill spiral from there. LOVE…LOVE…LOVE his honesty. The kid is brutally honest, so raw, and transparent. Check…check…check in my book.

Another thing I love about this guy is his voice. Been fanning over his music for years. Have you heard his latest single Pointless? WOW…love. All of his songs are absolutely beautiful.

You watch him in an interview and you think…how can this hysterical man write such beautiful songs. Such a dichotomy to me. Baffling.

Also…when I first started watching his interviews…some I had to watch several times just to understand what he was saying. His Scottish accent is so pronounced that at the first interview I watched…I thought…I haven’t a clue what he just said. None of it. Now…I am used to the accent, and I actually catch what he is saying. But it led me to another dichotomy. How can he sing with clear articulation and yet when he speaks…you have to really listen to sort out the words???? Baffling to me. Just baffling. I love him so much! 🤣 He fascinates me.

The other day, he posted a video of some new underwear they gave him for some promotion thing. They were way too big for him. I almost snotted myself. I played it on repeat a few times. His sense of humor is wonderful. He is so real, and he just doesn’t care what people think of him. No pretense. It is so refreshing in this world with all the masks people wear. So much FAKE. Lots of counterfeit. I love real. I love Lewis.

Before You Go

When I got out of bed to hop in the shower, I was planning on playing How Sweet It Is by James Taylor on my phone…since that is how He started the conversation this morning. BUT…He had ended it…with Before You Go by Lewis. I get my shower stuff ready, turn the water on, and turn around to put on James Taylor. When I pull up Apple Music…the last song I had been playing…still on…was Before You Go.

Not kidding.

I didn’t even turn the music on yesterday. Totally forgot I had been listening to Lewis.

So cool how He speaks and works.

So…Lewis it is this morning.


Back to Vanessa. She called me on Saturday to share some experiences she had that day while in Traverse City. Donovan watched the kids while she drove into town for appointments and errands. She had the day alone with Father.

If you stick around me long, you will hear me talk about how Father will have themes. He will get on a kick of wanting to teach you about one thing. It is a lesson on one topic. He will keep that theme until you GET what He is wanting you to get out of it. It is very efficient. He is smart. Has lots of smarticles.

So, she calls me and says…you know how you are always talking about how He teaches in themes? Yep. She said…well…I experienced that today. The theme was beauty. Then she proceeded to share with me her experiences and what He had been saying to her that day.

Super super cool. I won’t share that here for those are her stories to share.

The point for her to get that day was…Father thinks she is beautiful. I heartily agreed. She is.

Beauty of the Heart

True beauty…beauty of the heart.

To be honest, I get exasperated sometimes at man. The ignorance of man absolutely befuddles my brain at times.

Man…both male and female…are obsessed with physical beauty. Appearances.

A man will look at a woman and think she is beautiful. It is flesh-deep. Skin deep. A physical attraction. A lust for the flesh. In today’s society, men think the world is a buffet and women are the dishes to consume. A feast for the eyes and they can devour whichever “beautiful” woman will spread their legs for them…will give them a shot.

But they don’t stop first to examine the heart of the woman. What is her character like? Who is she? What does she believe? What does she stand or fall for?

Baffles me. You can’t build with a prostitute…anything…not if you want it to last. If you want to build something for the future…you must build with a woman of Father’s strength and character.

That is Vanessa.

Vanessa is beautiful on the outside…for sure. But what is on the inside matters more. It is her heart that contains the most beauty.

A heart to serve Father.


Vanessa’s collection of His fruits…or character is incredible. She has been working hard these last few years to grow and change.

  • Humility
  • Devotion
  • Dedication
  • Diligence
  • Fortitude
  • Strength
  • Truth
  • Faithfulness
  • Commitment
  • Integrity
  • Stamina
  • Passion
  • Love
  • Loyalty

That list…is a few of the character traits or fruits of Holy Spirit that Vanessa possesses in LARGE quantities.

I am baffled at her love, devotion, dedication, commitment, loyalty, and faithfulness to Father and I. Absolutely mind-boggling. She would burn it all down for us without question. Her love for us runs that deep.

In the featured image text…she is once again giving evidence to me…just how committed she is. Just how loyal. How faithful. Crazy. We finished up the worst season of our entire lives and she is saying…I would go to Hell with you again in a heartbeat…if I had to.

I told her…there ya go…that is why Father is telling you that you are beautiful. You would go to Hell with us again…KNOWING the pain it brought us all. Without hesitation…you would go back in.

That my friends…is beauty. That is beautiful.

I am sorry for being so blunt with you…but listen…tits and ass can’t compare to that heart.

Rethink It

Father judges by the heart. We have billions of people on this planet who are being called beautiful daily by man and yet Father looks at their hearts and He says…I see no beauty there. I see ugly. I see dark. I see toxins. I see wickedness. What are YOU calling beauty?

You hear the saying 24/7…she is beautiful inside and out. Ok…so what you are calling beautiful??? Tits and ass and skin? And you have deemed their heart as beautiful…why? Because they seem nice??? Even a serial killer can open the door for an elderly woman. Even a serial rapist can seduce you with his kindness only to later destroy your life.

Listen people…you gotta start thinking a little deeper here. Man’s definition of beauty is messed up.

To be honest…I am tired of man’s bullshit. Man’s my truths. Man’s ways of doing things in this world. I am sick and tired of seeing people being sick and tired. Crystal is sick and tired of living in a sick society. I am so over the fog of deception. Disgusted by the lies and deception in this world. Agitated that billions of people have drunk the Kool-Aid and think it tastes yummy.

Come Hell or high water…I am going to build a community of people who actually want to hear the truth, see the truth, understand the truth, and live by the truth.

Those who reject His truths…can suffer the consequences and live in Hell for eternity. You want to feed on the lies…you can choke on them.

It is time to take some names and get down to business here. The enemy is about to get his ass handed to him on a platter and it is WAY past overdue.

Needed to rant a bit there. Sometimes…it just needs to be said. 🤷‍♀️

Seriously…rethink your worldview. In the days ahead, I will be sharing the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is time for change. Positive change. The enemy is going down.

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