
I love fungi. How can you not? So many varieties…and the colors are spectacular! I saw this green the other day on my walk, and it stopped me in my tracks immediately. It is mostly brown everywhere you see around here, so this green really caught my eye. It stood out in such a grand way!

I love how soft it looks. Like a warm blanket you could snuggle up in. Then the patterns of tan and green with the scallop look…are eye-popping to me. The edges remind me of lace for some reason. So pretty.

It fascinates me how our world was created. Nothing is left to chance. Everything and everyone have a purpose and a plan here. I find it sad sometimes that the animal world goes naturally about their created plan…not trying to be somebody they were not created to be. However, we as humans…the supposedly smarter of the mammals…always trying to change who we are. Instead of getting on board with our Creator’s plan and purpose for our lives…we build our own narrative. Our own kingdoms and castles. Shrines and pedestals to worship self.

Sad state of affairs in society today.


I am always baffled by the arrogance of mankind. When I was 40, my brother basically told me I needed to get his permission for the decisions I made in my life and those for my children’s lives. I guess he thought I was really stupid and didn’t make good choices for us. I was stunned speechless. Truly. Had no words for that statement. I finally asked him how he got to that conclusion…he said it was in the Bible. Ummm…no. Not there.

It shocks me that so many people think so highly of themselves they believe they know what is right for self and for their children. And then a set of balls big enough to think they know what is best for their neighbor. My grandpa always said…paddle your own canoe…don’t try to paddle your neighbors. Wise words.

The humility in myself…says I haven’t a clue. Gotta ask the one who created me…as to what He chose for me. Truly a difference in our worldviews. I see the world…that which is created…in a much different light than others do.

I am quite sure my life here would have been easier had I paved my own way here on Earth…but also quite sure my afterlife would look much different than it will. Not a gambler myself. Never have been. I like a sure investment. I will follow Him on His path. Go His way. It is a sure thing in the end. Positive results.

Vanessa and I were talking about Heaven today. Father gave me some really profound revelations about Heaven, so I had to share them with Vanessa. Makes so much sense. Too long and complicated to type up here…but I tell you…Heaven isn’t anything like what Christians make it out to be. Good place to go for sure, but not what most people think it is. I am getting some great stuff. Can hardly wait to start sharing it with the Bride.


Hope you enjoy my fungi picture. That green is grand!!!


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