nice buck

The other morning, I was coming around the edge of the woods to walk along the field road. When I turned the corner, I saw this buck walking through the field toward the woods…which is toward me at an angle. I stopped immediately and slid my camera up to my face. Wearing my camera on a sling strap makes moving my camera an easy slide from my right hip up to my face. Quick and easy. LOVE my sling strap. WORTH the purchase.

My assumption…the buck is going to bolt and run the other way. However, he did not. He stayed focused on his destination…the woods.


I started snapping shots of him. This shot is the moment he connected the dots that I was standing there. It made me chuckle when I saw the light bulb come on for him about me. It reminded me of talking to different people and watching the light bulb come on for them about whatever I am saying. I am a huge fan of observation.

Mitchell and I are people watchers. Love watching people. Making observations about them. Learning who they are. All through high school, Mitchell would always say…Mom…we need to go into business together. We should be private detectives and open an agency. 😂

We both love to learn, love discernment, love to solve mysteries, love logic, reasoning, and critical thinking, and we LOVE putting puzzles together.

Also…we both work through movies to try and figure out the ending. Watching shows with Mitchell can be an interesting experience. Afterward is better because of the discussions. Love going to the theatre with my kids. Hannah and Mitchell make movie-watching fun.

Changing Directions

This buck surprised me. Even after seeing me, he started moving in my direction. Straight at me this time. He is a beaut. Love his antlers.

He even stopped for a while and did some foraging before he finally decided to walk into the woods. I was amazed he didn’t seem to mind my presence.

Later that day, I sent Donovan some pictures of the buck. He loved them. Thought it was super cool that I got some snaps of him. It made him want to come down here and go hunting. 😍


Wildlife Photography

While I was walking…Father said to me…wildlife photographer. He was saying to me…you have become a wildlife photographer. I laughed. Out loud. For real.

When I think of wildlife photographers, I think of someone in Africa sneaking up on a pack of hyenas and trying to get a shot of them. I don’t think of a woman walking around in nature taking shots of deer and raccoons. 😂 Seems laughable. However, it is TRUE I am indeed taking photos of wildlife. I decided to roll with it. Enjoy His little phrase for me. I HAVE taken some pictures of bears, bison, elk, moose, and prairie dogs in Yellowstone. I guess I have some more adventurous types of animal shots in my portfolio. Building something at least. 😆

Planning on that African safari in the future. It is on our family bucket list. While camping a few years ago one weekend, our family built a bucket list for us to all do together now that we are all adults. Three generations. Super excited about our future travels together. Everyone contributed to our list while Vanessa wrote them all down for us. Great Wall of China, a train ride in Switzerland, a long list of thrilling adventures to experience as a family, and of course…our African safari.


World-Class Photographer

A few years ago, Father said to me that I would become a world-class photographer.

Most people would hear that and be thrilled. Be all in about becoming famous, rich, or having some kind of name with a title. Ya know…all the fixings that come with that title. NOT me.

It sent me into a state of panic. Totally overwhelmed…on so many levels for so many reasons. All I could think…was no way. Can’t happen. Won’t happen. I can’t do that. Too much work. Too many things to learn.

I spent probably a good year and a half…maybe two…slowly working through each of my issues regarding the notion of becoming a world-class photographer. I am at peace now about whatever that might mean to Him.

Man’s definition of a world-class photographer is more than likely different than His. His ways are not man’s ways. I am WELL acquainted with His crazy ways. Thinking it will be interesting as I develop my photography skills to learn what He means by it all.

My Style

I had planned on quitting photography completely. He stopped me and shared His vision for me regarding photography. After the initial shock wore off, I started to look at my style of photography. Asking myself…what do I like to take pictures of. What do I like in a photo? Why? What brings me joy when I look at my photos?

I went for some time not taking pictures of people at all…just flowers. He said to me…STOP taking pictures of flowers and take pictures of people. 🤣 😩 He was slightly irritated at me. So funny. Right after that…I did a birthday party for this guy’s grandson. It was a learning experience. I was proud of some of the photos I was able to get for the family. But…not really into event photography. Not my style.

My love is macro or close-up. Man…that is my jam. Thrills me. I own two microscopes still from my old days of homeschooling the kiddos. I can NOT sell them yet. Looking at things close up like that stimulates my mind. So many little details in life most people fail to see.

My style of always wanting the subject closer to the lens is a reflection of the woman I am. All about intimacy. The closer the better for me. I love being in relationships with people. Especially deep reflective people. People who share their hearts with me…and their minds. I like all those little details…not just the general overview.

Reminds me of art. Painting. You paint with a broad brush first to get the color on the canvas then you paint with the little brushes to fill in the details. It takes both to get the full picture. How cool is that?


I have been saying to Father over the last few years…if you are going to make me a world-class photographer…then I have to be unique. Stand out. Be set apart. I don’t want to be like any other photographer. Also…I want it to be more natural. Not about fake. Phony. I want it to be real…not glammed up with a lot of makeup on it. Not really into editing. Lazy about that, but also…just prefer what is truth. Real. Natural. No pretending to be somebody you are not…something it is not. That is who I am. What you see is what you get here. I am consistently consistent. I write as I speak.

In part, I think He will set my photography apart by how I see what is in the image. My perspective of it and what I say about it. I don’t know. It is a guess for now. A theory. My hypothesis I will test out to see if I am right about it. He will show me as I go.

For now…I am following Him to learn and develop the skills He has chosen for me. As always…I am a work in progress. Trying to enjoy the journey and remind myself of how far I have come.

Enjoy the buck…and have a marvelous day!

Love, life, and blessings. ❤️

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