Death Valley

death valley road

I woke up this morning with this picture of Death Valley in my mind. WOW…love this picture. Death Valley at the end of July…is a scorcher. I could not believe how hot it was. I had my pupper dog Tonto with me and I wouldn’t even let him out of the van. Afraid he would burn his paws…just so HOT!

But this picture is glorious to me. I really like the lines converging together at an intersecting point. The road meets the desert line way out there in the distance. Leading lines…artistic. Makes my heart sing a happy little dancing dirge right there on the road. I literally stopped in the middle of the road as you can tell in this photo to get that picture. No cars coming. All by my lonesome out there so I figured WHY NOT? 😜

death valley desert
HOT…HOT…HOT!!! Take your breath away HOT! I didn’t stay outside too long. That desert is HOT!

It was windy too. I was surprised by the wind. Not sure why…I guess in my little pea brain there is no wind in the desert. Although, I have read every Louis Lamour book available…so I know better. BUT…I was still surprised.

Reading about things and experiencing them are different, aren’t they?

Today…Father and I have been discussing the desert. The Wilderness. A place of lack. Only having that which sustains you. NO extras.

Rough stuff right there. Minimalism in the extreme.

My Sustainer

I kind of had this epiphany today. Something I already knew…but I gained a greater awareness…let’s put it like that.

It reminded me of my first marriage. Most of my needs were not being met there. He was a good provider for me financially…but not in any other way. I was a single mom even though I was married. My emotional, mental, social, physical, and spiritual needs were not tended to.

The garden of my heart was not cared for…at all.

BECAUSE of that…I went to Father. I was desperate for intimacy in all forms, and I had nowhere else to go. For me…I am faithful and devoted to the vows I say. Since I am a woman of deep convictions…that left Father as my only option.

Great option to have. He is a wonderful intimacy partner. Always available. 24/7. What more could you ask for? He will sit and listen to me talk ALL night long. Never tells me to shut up. 😆 A dream husband for a talkative woman.

death valley mountains
Check out those striations! Delightful. The desert is hot but so beautiful in color.

My intimacy with Father…sustained me in that dry arid desert we called marriage.

While I have been walking around in the Wilderness the last few years…and burning up chained in Hell…it too…forced me into a deeper place of intimacy with Father. Once again…but a whole new level of intimacy. So much deeper. I KNOW Him in ways today…that I did not KNOW Him five years ago.


So much beauty in the desert if you have the eyes to see it. Even in the scorching HOT temperatures. A place that should only be about death…yet there is life for some…if you so choose to embrace Him there.

When Father woke me up this morning with this image in my mind, He reminded me of the scripture of though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death…we should not fear evil. It reminded me of the times I have asked Him to teach me about Satan and his kingdom…for me to storm the gates of Hell. To be fearless. To be strong, brave, and courageous.

I remember asking for those things many years ago. A custom I had was to write requests out on index cards and tape them up in common places for me. For example, above the sink. I would see it and ask for whatever it was I was seeking at the time. I asked for His strength, His bravery, and His courage. To be a brave, fearless, warrior for Him.

This morning…He was saying…I did that for you. Answered all those requests. It took quite a horror show to get me there, but I am so proud of myself. 😍

Cloud Nine

I am walking on cloud nine today. He keeps singing Almost Paradise to me. SO close…I am so close to getting there. I can taste it. Smell it. Touch it.

My heart is overjoyed today. He has shown me the big picture…and then has been filling in all the details. Painting such a beautiful picture for me to see. Man…I am feeling the LOVE.

I used to ask Him all the time…how did I get here. Now I am thankful I am here. Grateful I was chosen.

Death Valley…a place to hone that intimate relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

As I always say…don’t let your pain be in vain. Make it count. Deal with it. Grow through it. Learn from it.

Study your back trail. Hindsight is 20/20. Perfect that sight. Clear up your perspective using the truth as your lens.

Enjoy the pictures of the desert. See beauty in the suffering. 😎

Love, life, light, truth, and blessings. 💙

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