
I feel like I died and went to Heaven. Not kidding. A few weeks ago…sometime this past month, Father said to me…welcome to Paradise. WOW!!!!! I was ecstatic to hear those words.

Last night, I thought I wanted to write this post and share my joy. BUT…then I thought that was foolish, so I dismissed it. This morning when I awoke…I was right back into giddy land.

I had no clue life could be so good. Seriously…I wish I could share the joy I feel in my heart with everyone. This post is the best I can do.

I am so in love…it feels like my heart will burst. Every single day…I think…man, I can’t possibly get any happier. I know logically though…I can. The reason I know this…I have appointments set up in my life over the next few weeks that are going to change my life forever. In such positive ways…I am moving forward, and I love where I am headed. I AM GIDDY! Let me just say that again…I AM GIDDY!!!!!!!!!!!

Worth It

Living in Hell was worth it. To be on this side…to have left all of that toxicity and death behind…wow. I took a healthy dump…my colon is clean. All is good.

I was in a relationship with an abusive partner, and I walked away. I had my fill and dumped him in the trash and moved on with my life. Freedom. Happiness. Joy. Peace. Gloriousness!!! Liberation!!!! It is like the 4th of July, and I am celebrating my independence. I get happier as each day passes. Every single day!!! Crazy good. 😍

Listen…Satan is abusive. He is toxic. He is death. He is a curse on your life. Dump him and move on. He is not your friend.

Many years ago, Father said to me…if you don’t have pain…you can’t appreciate life without pain. If you don’t have drama, you can’t appreciate peace. Basically…negativity will show you how much you appreciate positivity. That is NO JOKE. Truth. (Only if you have the right mindset.) Say goodbye to negativity!!!

On this side of my life after my experience in Hell…I am living the good life. The appreciation I feel is indescribable.

Walk of Life

On Monday, my friend and I took a 3-mile walk through a local woodland. Took us several hours. We were in and out of the creekbed several times. Saw a lot of deer. The day was incredible. The pictures in this post are some from our hike. I was thrilled to see blooms out…in February.

What made it great was the fact Father was speaking throughout the hike…to us both. We have walked together quite a bit lately and I had to teach him how I take my walks. 😂 Less talk…lots of listening to Father. Flowing with His Spirit. He got it!!!

Father was speaking to us about how the walk represents our walk in life. The walk of life.

tree over creek

Stability, Security, Safety

The tree in this picture is one tree. One root but three parts of it. Reminded me of Father, Son, and Spirit. Three is a big number for me. Important. Has always been the number for me in my life.

When we started our walk, I was telling my friend…ok…I have this word Father gave me that I need clarity on. I HAVE to KNOW what He means by this. My goal on this walk is to get clarity and understanding of what Father is saying to me.

Nearing the end of our hike, I still wasn’t clear on it. I shared it with my friend, and he immediately got the download of what it meant. I was GIDDY!

The meaning was JUST what I wanted to hear. My life is going to skyrocket, and my happiness is going to skyrocket with it. I am truly loved. More than I could have asked for or imagined.

Building on the truth is everything to me. I had no idea until this season of my life just how valuable the truth is. I appreciate it so much more after being chained to lies and deception for so long.

tree with heart
It looks like a heart to me. So fitting for the season of my life I have entered. I am head over heels in love with Father. Like heart-bursting love.
road with bridge
Loved this path and bridge along our walk.


Do you ever get so excited you can’t sit or stand still? That is me. I am out of my mind with joy, excitement, love, peace, gladness, giddiness, etc. All things positive. Never in 52 years of life have I ever experienced such joy. My vessel overflows. Purity of joy…happiness. It is His Spirit…not that temporary happiness of the flesh. This is deep inside. Unshakable. Unbreakable. A love and joy so deep I can’t separate myself from it.

What is wonderful…it is just going to get better. Deeper. Wider. Longer. More in volume and weight.

tree with mushrooms
I am enthralled by all the shrooms on the trees around here. SO COOL!!!
mushrooms on tree
Close-up of the shrooms. Love the blue color of them.

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