Family Endeavor

When I originally wrote this post, I wrote it because Donovan and Vanessa had started a YouTube Channel. It was a family endeavor. A new one for them both. Today, I am reworking this blog post…which is now in August. I am reworking it because they have shut the channel down. Father has them moving in a different direction.

They are experiencing what I have lived. Start stop. Start stop. Drives me insane…His ways. Not how I would do it…

mother daughter
Vanessa and Ahnalaya Ann.

The channel was regarding their homesteading lifestyle. Gardening especially.

I love seeing my son build his little garden out of seedlings. It reminds me of gardening with him when he was younger. He watched me start my seeds in the same kind of containers.

It warms my heart when my children choose life-giving activities. Especially when they are doing something I taught them to do. Feels good inside to know they SEE the value in what I taught. My labor wasn’t in vain. The pain, the shed blood, the sweat, the tears, the battles…all paid off in dividends.

I like investing in things that will give me a return on my investment. I want my original investment back…plus interest…for eternity.

Life is TOO important to squander it on things that have no eternal value whatsoever.

Gardening…planting seeds that will produce life…investing in the land…investing in growth…growing natural fruit and spiritual fruit…all things that will bring nourishment to body, soul, and spirit.

Super grateful for my grandmother. She fed the love of gardening in my heart…which has transferred generationally into my son. Hoping we keep the generational love of all things related to growth and producing…going into the next generation.


Following Father is always an adventure. Always changing things up for us around here. Not sure if I am coming or going.

I didn’t want to lose the photos by deleting the post, so I chose to rework it.

Maybe in the future, they will have another channel and I will promote the new one.

We shall see. For now, I will enjoy the pictures of some of the people I dearly love. 😍

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