Grape Hyacinth

grape hyacinth

Yesterday was a sunny day…loved the sunshine. Vanessa came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go grocery shopping with her, Bobbi, and the kids. We needed ingredients for this week’s meals.

I stood there looking at her for a few seconds with this blank look on my face before I said…no. No, I don’t want to go grocery shopping. 😂

girl on trike
Ahnalaya Ann is getting too big for the tricycle I bought her a few years ago.

Instead, I decided Ahnalaya Ann and I needed to enjoy the sunshine by taking a walk. She rode around on her tricycle while I walked.

On our first lap, I saw this little Grape Hyacinth. Instant regret for not bringing my camera along with us. The wheels started turning in my head…had to make a second trip around. 🤨

When we got back around to the house, we got the camera and went back to the flower. When I got done taking a picture of it, I looked over and Ahnalaya Ann was scrunched down in the yard near me. I asked her what she was doing because she was staring intently at the flower.

She said to me…I am SO excited to pick that flower for Mommy.

Melt my heart. 😍

It never entered my mind she would want to pick that flower for Vanessa. I was all wrapped up in taking a picture of it. I love the sweetness in my grandkids. All week long, Ahnalaya Ann has been super generous with hugs, and I love you…unsolicited. Wonderful.

Archer is equally generous with the hugs…he just can’t say I love you yet. His word is YUCK. He says YUCK often and with clear enunciation. Super funny. 🤣


I don’t know why but for some reason, I have always loved putting babies to sleep. I loved rocking my babies to sleep. Such a wonderful bonding thing for me. A great time to spend talking to Father about them…speaking life over them. Bonds you to them body, soul, and spirit. I have spent many hours over the years, praying over my kids and grandkids when they were completely unaware of what I was doing for them.

In this photo of Archer sleeping in my arms, we were watching a video on barn owls. Crazy how absorbed all of us in the fam were in this 15-minute video of barn owls raising their young. Always learning something every day about this wonderful creation.

Archer wanted me to hold him so I picked him up and I could tell pretty quickly he was getting limp from me rocking back and forth. It wasn’t long before he was out.

Sleeping babies are the best.

I decided this morning I have had a very blessed life…and each day gets better than the day before. I am truly living my best life now…and tomorrow…will be my best life now…again…and again…and again. It is all incredible from here on out.

grandma and grandson
He is ADORABLE!!!😍

No Regrets

I have no regrets about choosing LIFE in my daily decisions. The rewards are beyond what I could have asked for or imagined…and they just keep getting better. Although Christ asks us to do hard things for Him…the labor and pain are worth the reward on the other side. It is about perspective, I think.

Hindsight…certainly is 20/20 for me. Clarity…understanding truth…man…makes such a difference in my life.

I LOVE truth. Truth in all forms.

Enjoying the spring here in Indiana!!!

Have a marvy day!!

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