Changing of the Guard

female guard

Yesterday, I spent several hours at Arlington National Cemetery. It is my third trip to Arlington. Father seems to work in threes with me. Seems to be our number. While there, I watched several ceremonies. One of those ceremonies was the changing of the guard. I KNEW I had to get to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier first thing when arriving here. It was important. To me…it is the crux of this trip.

I feel like I live in the Twilight Zone 24/7. You can’t imagine what it is like to live the way I do. It is baffling. The Spirit realm is like no other. Hard to describe.

Years ago, I watched a documentary on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The documentary included the training these elite soldiers go through. I didn’t remember seeing a female in the documentaries. Not upset about that…just making an observation.

On the way to Arlington, I wondered if there were any female soldiers on the team.

Imagine my surprise when the first changing of the guard ceremony was the male soldier passing the guard duties off to a female.

changing of the guard
Changing of the guard

It made me smile. Father had been preparing me.

I stuck around to watch the male soldier hand off duties to the female and then she handed the duties back over to him after her 30-minute shift was over.

While the young man was guarding, the female and her commanding officer came back out to do a few other ceremonies.

As I was standing there…Father was speaking. He shared some things with me about my heart. We are called to guard our hearts, right? It is the wellspring of life. He wants to make some changes there for me. I am good with that.

Arlington headstones
Love the angles here.
Arlington headstones
Parallel. Patterns. Symmetry. Means so much to my little beating heart. 💙😍 Just makes my heart smile. I love precision and order. It is Father.

The Eternal Flame

The eternal flame at JFK’s memorial made me think of Father. He is my Commander in Chief. My CEO. The President of His Nation. The King of His Kingdom. The nation and kingdom I live in…the one I fight and serve for. The one I laid down my life for.

His Spirit is fire. The purifying fire. The fires in Hell cremate those who choose NOT to be purified here on Earth.

The fire of love…passion…desire. The fire that burns for those He loves.


eternal flame
The eternal flame at Arlington…in memory of JFK.

His Ways

The trip here…went very well. Got a later start leaving Indiana, so I drove mostly through the night. Had a bit of a rest parked at a gas station somewhere in West Virginia. Didn’t sleep well but being kicked back instead of driving was worth it. The break was nice and got me to Arlington by morning.

All things wrapped up around Arlington were pretty profound for me. The morning conversation with Father…the arrival…the things I witnessed…the conversations with the people while there…and leaving. All what I would call very good.

While I was there…Christian said…I can’t wait to read what Father gives you while here. It made me laugh because what I was getting so far…a bit shocking…and personal. Not for public consumption. A little bedroom talk you might say. 😜

While in the restroom, I saw this girl and it made me think of Hannah. Just as I sat down in the car, Hannah sent me a text asking about the trip. I was missing my travel buddy. Traveling with her was tops…always. I am not sure why I am shocked by the way He works still…but it is like it is new every single time for me. His ways…constantly amaze me.


I leave Arlington in a GREAT mood. I am flying…high as a kite. Feeling good. Going to go see some cherry blossoms. Crossing that bridge man. Here I go.

I get into DC and all Hell breaks loose.


Just moments before I left Arlington…a friend sent me the text below.

view of Washington DC
A view of DC standing at Arlington House. At the bottom of the photo is the eternal flame at the Kennedy family memorial.
A text message from my friend while I was at Arlington.

While in DC, it was nothing for me but chaos and confusion. Absolutely mind-blowing. There was construction…streets a mess…people everywhere…no parking…food trucks everywhere…etc. I have never in my life seen so many food trucks in one spot. It felt like DC was the food truck capital of the world. Not kidding. They were lining the street bumper to bumper. I didn’t SEE one single cherry tree. Feeling blind as a bat.

My Google Maps was struggling. Sending me in circles. Seriously. I couldn’t get to where I wanted to go.

Finally…I drive into a neighborhood…pull over and book a hotel room…IN VIRGINIA. I wanted OUT of that city.


I needed ice for my cooler. Being from the Midwest, when I need ice…I go to the gas station. Not here. I went to a gas station…no ice. The cashier informed me I could get ice at the nearby CVS. They are sold out. Wow…ok.

I try two more gas stations down the street…no ice. The last cashier directs me to a local grocery store. Ok…Great…that’ll do.

The first bag of ice I picked up had a massive hole in the bottom of it. Didn’t KNOW that until the ice started hitting the floor.

Then Google Maps sends me to the wrong hotel. Two hotels with the same name located so closely together…crazy.

I get to my hotel and look at my pictures from the day…don’t like a single one of them. Not one. So discouraged. 😳 🤷‍♀️

After dialing up Vanessa and relaying the nightmare of my afternoon…I said to her…I feel like I just sold my soul to the devil.

Her response toward my day…maybe tomorrow will be better. I told her…so weird because I had the exact same thought.

However…if I wake up in the morning and don’t want to go back into that city…I am staying at the hotel and calling this a retreat. 🤣


I was seriously ready to call the whole thing off. Call it quits.

At 1 am…I woke up from a nightmare. It reminded me of my comment to Vanessa…I feel like I just sold my soul to the devil.

It began a discussion with Father about what that craziness in DC was yesterday afternoon. Chaos and confusion…to the extreme.

He reminded me of many years ago…a family trip we took touring the East Coast. We were on our way to Gloucester, MA for a whale-watching boat trip. We got entangled in Salem. Yes…I said entangled. Crazy experience in that city. I finally said…let’s get out of this city. On our way back to NYC, we stopped in the city again to visit the Salem Witch Trial Museum. Our experience in the city the second time was just as bad as the first. Chaos and confusion.

When I entered into the gift shop at the museum…it ALL became very clear to me. Clear as Crystal. The city was a demonic stronghold. Such a profound revelation for me standing there in that gift shop. We had other plans in the city…but…I canceled them. It was time to move on.

That is exactly what I felt this morning when I was looking back at my afternoon yesterday.

It fits with the corruption text message too.

It was so clear this morning…DC is a stronghold of corruption. Not like that isn’t quite obvious…but I wasn’t expecting to drive into chaos and confusion as I did. Caught me off guard.

Force Field

I was also reminded of a conversation Father and I had years ago. At that time, He had me inside the Christian Religious System. At one particular church, I had this crazy experience. The preacher was preaching and as always…I am listening to Father in my head. He said something, but it was muffled. It sounded like the adult on Charlie Brown. Wah wah wah. Garbled. I couldn’t understand.

When I stepped outside, I asked Him…what was that? So very weird.

I saw a vision. It was the church building, and it had a force field over it and around it. Much like a snow globe has that clear plastic over it.

He said to me…they won’t let me in. My Spirit is not allowed here. I am not welcome.

That was why His voice was muffled. It was time for me to get out of that place. 🤣 Neither one of us was welcome there. We have been rejected by the masses over the years.

It was like that in DC. It was like our phone line was down. No connection. The call was dropped. The radio station went to static only. Just a bunch of noise. I lost my sight. Couldn’t see one single Cherry tree. The Spirit realm was corrupted…by man tapping into the demonic realm.

Changing of the Guard

It is time for a changing of the guard here. Time for a change for our nation. Our nation has been corrupted and it needs to be cleaned up. Time for Lady Liberty to set the captives free. Time for change.

On the way here, I was thinking about how DC is the heart of the nation. The Capitol. The heartbeat.

Father wants to change the heartbeat of this country…back to the way He founded it. A nation that has a heart to glorify Him instead of man…as a demonic stronghold. Time to drain the swamp. Purify the nation. It needs to burn…go through the purifying fire. Some will be sent to burn in the fires of Hell for they refused to bow to Him and go through His purifying fire here on Earth. You either go through His fire voluntarily or He will sentence you to live in that searing pain for eternity.

His eternal flame…burns…eternally. BURNS is the keyword there.

My Burn

Back to His ways…crazy. In a recent post, I shared how I scalded my stomach with boiling water. The timing of that burn…is insane.

After yesterday’s chaotic afternoon, I said to Vanessa…I am going to destress soaking in a hot tub. I love getting the water as hot as I can and then sitting in the tub for about 45 minutes to an hour. Great time to have a quiet chat with Father while soaking.

I fill the tub. When I get in that hot water…NOW I remember I scalded my belly. GOODNESS!

I said to myself…what was I thinking! Obviously…not about the burn.

It is the color of marinara sauce. That is what I would compare it to. Then the blisters remind me of the bubbles in the marinara sauce when it is starting to pop on the stove. Kind of ugly.

I am telling you…the afternoon was one gigantic nightmare of epic proportions. 😂

The ugliness of the burn…fire…reminds me of Hell. So ugly…so painful there. I would encourage all…to avoid it. Bow now…save yourself the pain of Hell. His purifying fire is NOT pleasant…but so much love there. Hell…is evidence of His great love for mankind. It is a place of justice. However…you won’t FEEL the love there…you will KNOW it as you will KNOW intimately OF His love…but it will only be your tormentor in Hell. You will never forget your disobedience there. The truth will be your convictor and tormentor in Hell.


It is time for change.

You can submit your heart to Him and get on board with His plan for you…and for this nation…for this world…OR you can be rebellious, and He will move on without you.

We are going to make changes…with or without you.

The other day…He said two things to me…so very firmly and very clearly. I wrote them down on an index card in permanent marker…just so I could see them over and over again on my desk.

Justice WILL be served.

The truth WILL prevail.

That smells good. That tastes good. That feels good. I believe it will LOOK good as well. Can’t wait to have me some justice and truth served up on my plate. Going to devour it.

Hoping my day in DC goes better today. I am prepared today. I AM…is ON GUARD.

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