Cherry Blossoms

cherry blossoms

I found the elusive cherry blossoms today. While conversing with a secret service agent outside the White House, I learned I should check out the Tidal Basin. I did…I found them. 🤩 It made me so happy to get a few photos of the charming little blossoms. They are charming don’t ya think? Attractive. ❤️

I learned the period of blooming had come to an end. Most of the trees had leafed out already. I THOUGHT SO! The cherry trees have this sad little brown leftover bloom falling off the limbs. The glorious show is over. Crystal missed it this year. Not even sad about it though. I will be back again. 😉

I really like this photo…for a variety of reasons. First off, I like the white background as the blank space on the bottom left. In my mind, I cut this photo in half diagonally. To me…the white space contrasts with the busy right upper half.

The right upper half has a lot of white in it too. The white space there combined with the softer muted flowers makes it feel like a painting to me. It feels artsy.

I also like the lines that are sharp in texture contrasted with the softer texture of the petals in the background. Really liking the contrasts here. Feels pleasing to me.

cherry blossoms


One other thing I will mention, I love the green X the stems make. It is prominent in the upper right half. It feels like tic tac toe to me. The X is in the upper right half and the 0 is unspoken in the blank space. In the absence of anything…there is zero…0. Do you get it? See it? Isn’t that COOL?!!! SO COOL.

It is like I have shared with people…people will tell on themselves if you listen to what they are NOT saying. You have to have ears to hear between the lines at times and/or to hear the heart. Out of the heart…the mouth speaks. The words they use…tell you what is in their heart. Awesome how that works. You have to have ears to discern the spoken words AND the unspoken.

I get leery of Father at times because I have learned how He speaks. Sometimes it isn’t what He said…it is what He did NOT say that I have worried over. 😂

This may be TMI…but I feel led to share. It is pertinent to this post, and more importantly this photo. X marks the spot. The spot is my heart. While I was watching the changing of the guard…He was discussing my heart. It is a continuing conversation He and I have been having for years. One remark He made to me was a bit personal…bedroom talk ya know. He said He was going to pop my cherry. 🫣 🤭 I have a virgin heart you see. My Husband is going to circumcise it. He has been abstaining since the beginning…waiting on me. I wasn’t sure how to respond to Him saying He would pop my cherry. Just smiled…ok. 😉

Cherry blossoms


It is a picture of marriage. The X and the O come together to become one. The yin and the yang. Black and white coming to completion. Whole. I find it all fascinating. It reminds me of another continuous conversation Father and I have been discussing for the last couple of years or so.

I know I have shared a part of this story here before…but it is pertinent, relevant, and worth repeating. After lamenting my pain and frustration to Hannah one day about being chained in Hell, she said to me…maybe it is time to renegotiate the terms of the contract. I will never forget that moment in my life. I was just getting ready to put my foot onto the steps as we were arriving home. Googly eyed…I stood there and stared at her. It was BRILLIANT! Goodness…it hit me like a ton of bricks. Powerful. She was right. (It was Father. 😜)


I made a list of things I wanted from Him…and started contract/covenant negotiations. I am a fierce negotiator. 😜

One of the things I said to Him…you preach that a man has to die for His Bride…to give her life. In fact, you made your Son do that very thing. SO…what ya going to do for me? I am expecting you to lay your life down and die for me. I have been reminding Him of that since the changing of the guard ceremony. If you want to pop my cherry…then Honey…you better lay your life down and die because this LADY Liberty is worth it. I AM His pearl of great price. This old gal is priceless in value. Just sayin. 🤷‍♀️

cherry blossoms
cherry blossoms

Well…there ya go. Now you know. Super excited about becoming whole…Him bringing me to completion. Been waiting years on this. I said to Him…bring it on baby. Let’s see what ya got. I want to see the MAN you are. 😍

I hope you enjoy the cherry blossoms. I searched hard for those babies. GLAD to finally see a few. I shall treasure them always…for MANY reasons. ❤️

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