liberty bell

This post and the previous post are about liberty. Freedom from enslavement…a part of my freedom march in April of this year…during Passover week. It was super significant for me…our nation…for His Nation…for the world as a whole. As I mentioned in the last post, it is a difficult part of the trip to discuss. So very dear to my heart. Deeply painful and personal between Father and I. A continuation of a conversation we have been having for many years about slavery and the impact it has on all three of man’s bodies. Extremely destructive. Death.

freedom T-shirt
A T-shirt Father had me purchase.

When in Philadelphia, He had me purchase this T-shirt. I only buy what He tells me to buy so when He says to spend money on something…I know it has significance. He doesn’t frivolously spend money. (However, I do razz Him A LOT that He is the spender, and I am the saver. He KNOWS how to spend money. 🤨)

When I saw this shirt…I instantly knew this was what He wanted me to purchase. He had been saying on repeat…let freedom ring.

Every time I have worn this shirt since I purchased it…it is because He says to me first thing in the morning…let freedom ring. Ring the bell for freedom.

So, I wear the shirt to show I am in unity with Him. I want freedom too. For myself and for mankind.

I fought hard for my freedom and my independence. Both…so very important to me.

Words and emotions I can’t convey at this point in my life. As I said in the last post, I will let the photos be my voice in this post. Someday…surely someday I will be able to say what I feel in my heart…but not this day.

Our hearts are heavy with the burden of the slavery of Father’s children. We hurt deeply for the brokenhearted. We KNOW the pain of enslavement and the necessity of freedom and independence.

The cries of His children…have been heard. Preparations have been underway. Freedom is coming.

liberty bell
A kind man asked me if I wanted him to take a picture of me in front of the bell. I accepted the offer. 💙 ❤️
liberty bell crack
The crack in our liberty.
liberty bell silhouette
This picture is terrible from a photo viewpoint…but important from a spiritual standpoint.
independence hall
Independence Hall
independence hall
Like the tower. Thought it was cool looking. Pleasing to the eyes.
house of representatives
Our first House of Representatives in Philadelphia.
Our first Senate room.

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