
On a recent walk, this snapping turtle was moving down this little stream that was leaving the pond. I think he is a beaut. Big and bulky.

He made me think of a time when my ex’s grandfather came over and got this huge trash can out of the bed of the truck. He placed it on the side of our driveway.

The snapper left the pond behind…my assumption…looking for a mate. 😉 LOVE the artwork in the striations around his eyes. The featured image shows them well.

I asked him what he was doing. He was super proud to show me this massive snapping turtle he had captured.

I learned…I was supposed to cook the turtle. That is why he brought it over to me. 🤣 I remember being in shock for a few minutes. Never in my life had I cooked a turtle…didn’t know people ate turtles.

I gave it a go…I cooked it. However, I discovered…I am really not a fan of eating turtles.

Back in the day, I was a very good frog hunter. I have gigged a lot of frogs in my time. Used to LOVE going frog gigging.

I once took my friend with me. It was her first and last time. 😂

She wasn’t a fan. To me, they sound like crying babies hauling them around in the basket after you have gigged them. My friend was horrified by their cries.

When we got back home in the early morning hours to butcher them…I asked her…do you want to cut their heads off or peel their pajamas off. I still laugh at her response to me.

Needless to say…I butchered all the frogs myself that early morning. Some people don’t find the same enjoyment in my adventures. 😂 😂

Due to my diet changes over the years, I will probably never eat frog legs again, but I had a blast going frog gigging for the years I did.

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