Mavis Joy

baby girl

A couple of weeks ago, we got to welcome to our family…Mavis Joy. Bobbi and Mitchell had our newest addition.

Super exciting to have another grandchild to love all over. Over the next couple of weeks, family is flooding Indiana to see the little bundle of joy. 😍

baby equipment
I love her little baby station. Bobbi put this area together several months ago. The chair is super comfy.

Their home is baby store central. I have been amazed to see the packages coming in from her baby registry. It is like she owns a baby store. It has been super fun to see all the new baby gadgets in the world today. Reminds me of how old I am. 🤣

Everyone is doing well. Labor and delivery were short and without any issues. We suspected it would be an easy thing for her. Glad it went well.

Mavis is a happy, content little girl.

I have always told the kids…I need you to have a grandchild for me with thick dark hair. 😂 I got my wish…Mavis has a full head of silky black hair. I couldn’t be happier.

Bobbi thinks in a few months…those African curls will make their showing. 😍

The front of her hair is starting to flip already at two weeks. Excited to see the curls coming in.

I wanted to wait to post our baby announcement until I had permission to post pictures of little Mavis from mom and dad. Due to the busyness of my life, it took me a bit to ask them if I could publicly post pictures. They were fine with it. Expect to see more pictures of Mavis in the future as this sweet thing grows up! 😉

grandma and granddaughter
One of the perks of being a close-knit family is having access to the grandkids.😍
dad and daughter sleeping
Mitchell is in love with his little girl. So sweet to see.
mom and daughter
One happy momma.

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