Warrior Queen

woman on a rock

Goodness!!!!!!!!! I am out of my mind excited this morning. Sporting my tiara…and my sword…in full armor. I AM the Warrior Queen.

For the last six years, I have been in a fierce battle with the beast…the monster…the dragon. He has been spewing a river of lies and deception at me. I have fought…VALIANTLY at times…other times…I have been near death…in despair.

This morning though…I KNOW I won. I beat that motherfucking dragon. I WON! SO READY for the Earth to swallow that mess up.

I have been spending the last 24 hours telling Father…cut the head off of that snake. Bury the son of a bitch.

My language…suits my mood. It is the cries of victory. I am sporting it. Celebrating my LIFE…my new beginnings…and his demise…his ending.

Father said the other day…LET THE MARRIAGE FEAST BEGIN. Wow…I have been feasting for sure. Feasting on the truth. A time of great celebration for me. Beyond imagination for mankind. Went through my fourth marriage ceremony yesterday. That is four ceremonies in 12 days. All four chambers of my heart are now fully engaged in marriage. All four marriage beds are full…taken. Mind-boggling what is taking place. More so for what is fixing to take place. WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! Doing the happy dance!! 💃🏻 Let’s cut a rug…do a jig! 🤣 DANCE WITH ME, COMMUNITY!!!!! Let the people REJOICE!!! May the community celebrate the WEDDING OF THE CENTURY!!!!!

In the land of Oz…the wicked witch is dead.

Snow White is alive and well.

Beauty WON over the beast.

LOVE has conquered all. For the glory of LOVE.

Light SHINES bright like a diamond!!! Darkness has been exposed.

LIFE begins. Death has been overthrown by the throne!

Long live King Jesus!!!! Truth reigns. Long length of days to the Warrior Queen!

Time to consummate this covenant and give me my crown. 👑 👸 Please and thank you!

I earned it…every bit of it. He meant to destroy me…but I am still standing, and I am standing on THE ROCK.


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