bird in water

Lately, I have been so busy I am not sure if I am coming or going. I have so many things I need to get done and I am wondering how I am going to find the time to do them all. One thing at a time is what I keep telling myself.

I remember all winter telling Vanessa…I think we are going to be really busy this summer. Wow…I am feeling that.

orange and brown butterfly
The missing piece in the wing makes me wonder if they feel pain when that happens. Inquisitive minds want to know. 🤔

Future Busyness

I was explaining to Bobbi the other day…not only am I busy…I am feeling the weight of future busyness. Makes no sense but is absolute truth inside. I see ahead in the future of what I need to do and I am baffled at how it is all going to work out.

Father has a plan and as I always do…I will follow step by step…but lately…that plan is looking a bit on the gargantuan scale to me. Leaves me scratching my head in wonder and amazement. How is He going to make the time to get all of that accomplished??? 😳 🤷‍♀️

Makes me super glad I am not Father Time. Although I would be ok with being Mother Time. I want my Rolex. Just sayin. 😜


The other day, Mitchell was telling me about his watch collection. He had to show me some of the watches he is wanting to purchase someday. He wants a Rolex.

It made me catch my breath. Wow…had no idea we were thinking the same things. He even said…don’t need one because I have my phone, but I want one anyway.

He even knew little details about why Rolex watches were so expensive. I was amazed at his knowledge. Crazy how Father works through my kiddos. Love it.

turtle on stick
I think this little turtle is adorable. 😍
geese and babies
Aren’t the baby geese so cute?


The first few pictures were taken while I was at a local wetland recently. The geese photo was taken later at a different location.

I am so busy…my photos are backlogged on my computer for blog posts. My schedule is making posts more difficult these days. 🤨

The great thing is…I will only get done what He has planned for me…not one thing more. With that in mind, I will accomplish what He has set out for me to complete. No pressure to perform something I shouldn’t. No pressure to be somebody I am not. It is a perk to following Him so closely. 😍

Have a marvy day! Hope it is a joy-filled one for those of you who are obedient.

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