
Gettysburg canons

The other day, Father woke me up singing to me…Unstoppable by Sia. I felt it. Loved it. The feeling of being unstoppable…very powerful. His power…is mighty. Crystal Ann Laura is on a mission. A mission to another realm…a mission of love. A mission of bringing love and freedom to the people of this world.

A mission of unity. Unifying a nation. His Nation. His people. Christ’s Bride. The One New Man. To bring them into the Marriage Covenant.

I have had this post with these pictures sitting behind the scenes since April. Waiting on Father to release me to post it…to give me the ability to write the words I have felt in my heart for so many years.

I still can’t write them. The pain is His…and it is deep.

Years ago, I used to ask regularly…I want to feel what you feel. I want to see what you see. I want to hear what you hear. What you hate…I want to hate. What you love…I want to love.

I had no idea what I was asking for. No idea what that would cost me.


Many years ago, He said to me…you are like Isaiah…I will send you to set the captives free. You are like Moses…you will lead the people out of slavery.

I naively agreed to that. Always…I had no idea what I was agreeing to…nor did I know the cost of it all.

Back in April, He told me He wanted me to go to Washington D.C…to do a freedom march as He called it. “Put feet on the ground. Walk the land and do as I tell you to do. Go where I tell you to go. Say what I tell you to say.”

I did.

It was hard.

The focus was on slavery…enslavement. A tough subject for me. So painful in the heart. Father and I have been discussing this for many years now.

Gettysburg battlefield grounds
Selfie at Gettysburg.


I will share one small tidbit about this part of that trip.

He is angry about the BLM movement. He is angry about the division between black and white. Racism.

One thing He said to me while I was at the Lincoln Memorial…hit me. Hit me so hard. This memorial was the hardest part of the trip for me.

He said to me…”the black man has forgotten I sent a white man to set the black man free.”

So painful to hear Him share the pain in His heart about the division in this nation.


Father so loved the black man…so heard the cries of the black man…He put His heart’s desire for their freedom in Abraham Lincoln as an agent of His love…to ensure their freedom from slavery. How quickly man forgets the sacrifices of those before him.

When I went to the battlefield of Gettysburg, He continued to speak about the sacrifices of the slain white men who shed their blood on the land in order to set their black brothers free from the horrors of enslavement.

Today…racism abounds between the black man and his white brother. Between the white man and his black brother.

Racism is hatred. Hate is hate whether you are hating a person because of their gender, their age, the color of their skin, or their lifestyle choices. The root of racism is hate. The answer is love. Christ…His love coupled with His truth…is the solution to every problem…the answer to every question. Freedom from enslavement and the healing needed comes through the truth spoken in love. Christ’s truth…and Christ’s love.

Each photo in this post…represents much to me. Volumes of emotion in them all. Words too close to my heart to speak yet. I felt it was time to post them and just let the pictures speak for me. Someday…I will be able to convey the heart behind them. For now…they speak alone.

One day…the black and the white will come together in unity as one man. I look forward to that day.

Lincoln Memorial
Stately looking don’t ya think? It is huge!
Pennsylvania Memorial
Pennsylvania…reminds me of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Bobbi, who is from the state, reminds me…it is the most expensive toll road in the world. I FEEL that. My pocketbook has felt that. 🤯
Gettysburg address
Gettysburg Address. I stood there…read it…and then wept.
Gettysburg statue
I have been waiting on a man on a horse…a man riding a white horse. A soldier. A warrior. The man who will rule the Nation and set the captives free.
Gettysburg statue
Love this view of the road alongside the guns.
Lincoln Memorial statue
Lincoln Memorial
Abraham Lincoln Memorial
The pillar shadows were important to me…for many reasons.
Reflecting pool
Reflecting pool.
Gettysburg rock wall
Love this leading line. May seem like an insignificant photo to some…but to me…I loved the ROCK wall as a barrier…which led to a Tree. Christ as the Rock is my shield which protects me from enemy fire…and He is my Tree of Life…the one that gives me life.
Gettysburg grounds
I thought the fence was peaceful looking. I happen to LOVE boundaries. They keep my life very peaceful. 😜

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