Cinnamon Rolls

cinnamon rolls

The picture above is a shot of cinnamon rolls that Bobbi recently made. I heard they were delicious…they sure smelled it.

I think the very first time I baked any type of bread, I was hooked. There is something about playing with yeast and making dough that brings incredible satisfaction to my inner woman.

For years, I had a sourdough starter that was amazing. I would bake four loaves of bread each week and pass some of those loaves on to friends and family. It was just something I did. That sourdough recipe smelled divine and tasted delicious. Yeast smells good to me…but sourdough…even better. Love those odors.

I had one friend who would get super excited when I would pop in with a loaf for her. She loved my bread…and my deviled eggs. My bread, deviled eggs, and pizza have been recipes I have been famous for with the people around me.

After I lost my sourdough starter, I switched to Challah bread.

woman mixing dough
Bobbi is mixing the dough.
woman making cinnamon rolls
The rolls are ready to be rolled up.
woman making cinnamon rolls
Bobbi is cutting them into 12 rolls.

Challah Bread

I was hooked on the Challah bread for years as well. Usually, I would make two large Challah loaves or one Challah loaf and a batch of cinnamon rolls.

This is why you see the cinnamon rolls above.

While I was in Michigan, Father reminded me of my lost recipe books. They were all stored on a digital cookbook that I had been putting all my recipes on for years. The company that owned the book…disappeared…to my horror. The file was unreadable by any other program.

For years, I have held on to the backup file believing that some wonderful techno-geek would come into my life with a program that would be able to read my file.

Out of the blue, Father says to me…check the internet for that cookbook. I did. To my amazement…I found a man who had built a rescue and recovery program for my cookbook file.

The only problem…it was for Windows…not Mac.

After contacting him personally, he recommended I use someone else’s computer. Just so happened, I had given Vanessa my beautifully set up Windows computer and my three monitors. Sad to part with that beautiful baby.

I downloaded the program onto her computer, sent my backup file through emails, and then the recovery files back through emails onto my Mac. Viola!!! It worked.

Years of recipes that were lost to me…were restored. Even recipes from people who have passed on…recipes I had cherished and could not recover.

Kid’s Elation

I left the file on Vanessa’s computer. She was ecstatic!!! Several thousand recipes she has heard about from Donovan for years. She now owns them all.

When Donovan heard…his face lit up! Super excited.

I came back to Indiana and informed Mitchell…he immediately wanted our “award-winning” chili recipe. Within two days, in a heat wave…that boy made himself some chili. 😂

Over the years, I have taught many people how to bake bread. It is a fun thing for me to do. I love spending time with people teaching them how to cook.

Vanessa has had that opportunity with me to learn how to make my Challah bread.

A few weeks ago, I taught Bobbi. The first batch, I had her watch me while I explained what I do, how I do it, and why. I did one batch of Challah bread with the braid and the second half of the dough; I made cinnamon rolls. Mitchell was grateful. Bobbi says she only got two rolls of the batch. Mitchell enjoyed them greatly. I did share a couple with the neighbor as well.

The second batch, Bobbi made herself while I watched. These pictures show her first time baking bread. She did a great job.

From what I understand, this is the first time of many ahead in her future. The cinnamon rolls were a hit with her friends and family. 💙

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