Bronze Serpent

woman on hill

In the Bible, there is a story of Moses being commanded by Father to build a bronze serpent. The backstory…the Israelites were bitching, moaning, whining, and complaining about Moses and Father. So…Father shows them who is boss. He sends venomous serpents to bite them. I would call this…getting spanked. Correction. Discipline for their whining.

I hate whining, so I probably would have just annihilated the whole lot of them. He is more merciful than I am. 🤷‍♀️

He told Moses to build the snake and put it on a pole. When His children got bit, they were supposed to look at the pole. Many purposes to everything He does, but one here…a reminder to quit bitching because it could be worse. Be grateful for what you DO have instead of whining about what you DON’T have. Merely look at the snake as a reminder of who HE is compared to who they were. As long as they obeyed and looked at the bronze serpent, He would heal them. Disobey and ignore His command…die. Man thinks they are big, tough, and in control…but get a SMALL bite from a venomous snake…then you see who is really in control.

Get the picture?

Power and Control

He isn’t joking in this world. He can bring Humpty Dumpty down off that wall lickety-split. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

It always reminds me of a conversation He and I had once. He was telling me a certain person was going to do something. I said how in the world are you going to convince them to do that. He responded…desperation will make people do desperate things. 😂 He is so funny. Brilliant. Desperation is a powerful tool He uses to get what He wants. That’ll make em bow.

It is a testimony and reminder of how powerful He is…and how powerless man is.

In a weird sort of way…it turns me on. I guess I like a man who has that power and control and uses it. 🤷‍♀️ Please don’t try to understand me…not sure it is possible. Many have tried and failed. 😂

crutches and cups
Look at me go!!! 😂 I call that using my noggin. Putting those smarticles to creative uses.


Last night, Hannah sends me a text saying she is going to the riverfront to do some meditation. She asked if I would like to go as well.

I told her to pick me up. She said…be there in 5.

I have been working hard co-laboring with Father by studying videos online. He has had a ton of videos He has wanted me to scan, watch, skim, and/or read titles and comments. My eyes have been glued to the screen daily for hours at a time.

His schooling is a much different way than how man schools children and adults. Since Hannah was headed to the riverfront for some quiet time, I decided my earbuds were going to come in handy for our little excursion.

I took my digital devices with me. Bobbi laughed at me because I told her I was going to meditate digitally. 🤣 Does that count for meditation? Father has had me scouring YouTube since maybe May…studying and preparing. Gotta be 100% in agreement with His plan and my identity. Working hard man…hard.

When we arrived, Hannah carried my cups for me up the hill. She was struggling to get my cups to stand upright in the grass. I used what I had, and it worked. Multiple uses for crutches. Who knew they could be used as a drink holder? I was standing tall on the inside…proud of my creativity. 😂

I Found

While at the riverfront, Hannah and I remained silent. We function well together. As I was deep in my studies, Hannah sent me a text. 😂

It was this song here, I Found. I took a screenshot of the lyrics on Apple Music as I listened to it.

Included in the text, she said…this is how I feel about you. She also felt like it maybe had a deeper meaning regarding me. I put it on and listened to it while listening to Father speak about the deeper meanings to me.

One meaning…the bronze serpent. He reminded me of our conversation somewhere in my past…I am the bronze serpent. He is going to elevate me above the people…in front of the world. When He does that…they are to look at me…keep their eyes on me…and if they will…He will heal them. If they don’t…He won’t.

It ties in with the story I shared about Hannah and our journey walking the New River Gorge Bridge. It is somewhere on this blog. As long as she looked at me, was touching me, or was close to me…she wasn’t scared of the height of where we were walking. If she looked away from me or wasn’t near me…she was scared. It was a lesson for both of us.

song lyrics


Can I just interject here?

I love this song. My favorite part of the song is the open and closed cymbals in combo with the beat. I absolutely love the vibration cymbals make after you tap them with the drumsticks or the brushes. Then when you close them suddenly…that snap sound you get…YUMMO! It lulls me into some kind of beautiful state in my mind and heart. Makes me warm and fuzzy all over in such a happy pleasurable way. 😍

Another part of this song I love is, in parts, it has this progression of like fingers snapping for the beat. Then we move to what sounds like claps…then masses clapping…but also sounds like feet stomping.

It makes me feel like it is a progression of unity. It starts out as if one is feeling it…then more…then the masses join in. Addition and then multiplication…all in agreement.

Such a beautiful feeling with this song. I have been playing it on repeat since last night.

I really FEEL that feeling of people finding love where it wasn’t supposed to be. So many are looking for love in all the wrong places.

I would encourage you to listen to the song and listen for Father in this song. He is there. A soothing song.

I know the iPhone photo is terrible but the sunset is so pretty. I had to get a shot of it.


On the way home, Hannah and I finally spoke. She asked what I got on the song. I told her about the bronze serpent. She wanted to know what part of the song it came from. I told her…it is about using me as a focal point. Not losing sight of what the people want. Healing. The people need healing. If they want healing…they have to look to me to give it to them. The truth spoken in love will heal their hearts and set them free at the same time.

I will bring His truth as the white horse carrying His messages of truth.

I always laugh about the fact I am a horse. There He goes again…always keeping my head down…not puffing me up. Look in the mirror Crystal…you are not only a well-trained dog, a sheep who needs a shepherd, a little lamb who is dependent, but also a horse…with a big heart…but also a BIG MOUTH. 😂 🤷‍♀️

Lose Your Mind

Hannah shared with me a tidbit about the song for her. She was saying…she is scared about losing her mind.

The girls know a lot about my journey in my life. They say they wouldn’t want my job or my life. I don’t blame them. I didn’t ask for it either. 🤷‍♀️

With that being said…Hannah understands the crazy things Father has required of me. Also, the way He has set me apart. I don’t act like others because my thinking is radically different.

Many years ago, I would walk on the trails in the woods that butted up against our property…along with walking the perimeters of fields the local farmers planted. It was glorious being alone on acres of grounds surrounded by nature. Deer, turkeys, and an occasional young man riding through on his dirt bike to check on Mom. Could always hear that two stroke coming through the woods. I knew Donovan was making sure I was good. 😍

While walking, I would ask Him to expand my territory. He did that. He expanded the land of truth I was spiritually standing…and walking on. In my mind…and my heart…are massive acreages of concrete. Truth I walk on. I have enormous amounts of freedom in my mind. Clear, clean, spacious land. A firm foundation to build on.

I lost my fleshly mind…to take His mind.

He once said…Crystal…you have the mind of Christ and the heart of David. Christ’s mind…is truth. David’s heart was one of love. Love for Father.


She knows what this has cost me. The thought of that cost to her…scares her. She has seen my pain…my suffering…my sacrifices.

She is scared He will ask her to do the same.

One of her concerns was about living in this world with that kind of heart and mind.

I don’t fit in here. That is a fact. Our family is very careful when talking about me and my life. None of us know how to describe me. I am a misfit. For me…I am used to it. Really don’t care what the masses think of me. I have been shunned and rejected enough…I am over it. He has trained me well. However, Hannah is not there.

One of the things I shared with her…I will share it here.

We are coming upon unprecedented times. Instead of the world moving farther and farther away from Him…the people of this world are going to move toward Him.

It reminds me of a conversation I had with my spiritual brother Jeff many years ago. We were discussing the times we are moving into. He doubted…he asked me…sis…how is He going to do this when no one can agree on anything. He pointed out all the different divisions in the Christian Religious System.

I said to him…I will tell you how. He is going to bring unity through His Spirit in truth. The truth will unify the people and they will exit the systems of this world that Satan is in charge of.

Coming Together

The One New Man…and the Bride of Christ…both genders…will exit the systems in mass. Why? Because they will see the truth for the first time in history. The truth will set them free.

They will come together in unity. It will become the final temple…and the Israelite remnant will get the privilege of helping rebuild the third temple. The temple of Christ. His body.

We will come together. There will be MANY who finally agree with each other. Coming together under one mind. One head.

We will form a new nation. One under Him…indivisible…with liberty and justice for all. A new government. A new White House. His house.

Beautiful don’t ya think? I think.

I hope it helped to alleviate Hannah’s concerns of being different because the Bride will become the power majority instead of the powerless minority. Finally.

About time don’t ya think? I think.

Talk Some Sense

Are you ready to hear some sense? I am ready to speak it.

Tired of the lack of common sense in the world today. People have me scratching my head daily wondering what happened. Where did basic critical thinking go? Basic common sense was thrown out the door somewhere. This is why I taught my kiddos critical thinking and worldview in high school. It was NOT an elective…it was basic to me. Not an option to skip it. Like it or not…you are doing logic, critical thinking, and worldview. Although Mitchell didn’t like it then…he has thanked me multiple times since then as an adult. He had no idea how lacking the world was in those areas.

Hannah says she wants me to talk sense to her. I told her…I have been for several years, but you have a hard head and hard heart at times. 😂 Question is…are you ready to DO what makes sense instead of what FEELS good?

Are you ready to do what makes sense? Choose life? Invest in His Kingdom for eternity instead of yours? The return on His is incomparable to the return on yours.

Something to think about.

We are getting ready to move toward Him…better jump on this bandwagon cuz if you don’t…you are going to get left behind.

I have decided I am finally moving into living my best life now. Always hated that saying before…but I am snug as a bug in a rug. Happy as can be. Getting ready to be blessed beyond measure. The whole family is excited!!!

Have a marvy day!!! I am myself. Life is good.

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