His Masterpiece

chakra pose

Before I get into why I titled this post His Masterpiece, I have to share pieces of this puzzle to continue to build the picture I am trying to paint here.

The featured image is our humble take on the chakra concept. While talking with Vanessa, I said…I would like to use a chakra photo, but I have an aversion to using stock photos. When I said…I should do a chakra pose and you take a pic for me…she came up with the colored fruits. The rest was a combo of our ideas playing off each other. It was fun and goofy which is why I used the photo of me laughing. I was having a hard time controlling my laughter…hence the photo of me laughing.

I felt like Father wanted me to share pieces of the convo He and I had starting last night into this morning. It ended when I hopped into the shower. Then…I understood what He was getting at…at least to the level of understanding I currently have.

This convo is a continuation of one we have been having for oodles of years. It has gotten more intense over the last seven years. Extremely focused the last year or so. I can be a little slow at times. I have smarticles, but I don’t claim to be the brightest bulb in the shed at times. Sometimes the lights are on dim or completely off and I am sitting in the dark. 🤔😳😜😂🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ It is a continuous work here.


Since Father had me studying Christianity through YouTube, as I have mentioned before, I have discovered MANY Christians are trying to steal my story. If you look back on my blog, you will see how I reacted when I first discovered this. At first, I was angry at Father. My thoughts were…He was cheating on me. Had dishonored me in many ways. My heart was broken believing He had been unfaithful to me. Our intimacy has been my life. It has sustained me all these years.

When working through that…I was relieved to know He was NOT cheating on me…indeed was faithful…and I felt security with Him. I needed that.

The next issue on the list was working through the evil within Christians. The charismatic Christians who are claiming to be me…are the wicked stepsisters who ripped Cinderella’s jewelry and her clothes, trying to keep her from her King. To keep her from her destiny, because of their own arrogance and greed to be somebody they were not created to be.

I have truly been baffled beyond measure at the sheer volume of men and women claiming all my titles/positions…my story…my identity. The sickness in Christianity is repulsive. I totally understand why Father sent the flood and started over with Noah. He was righteous in His decisions to wipe mankind away and start over. He would be righteous and completely justified in doing that again today. This time…by FIRE.

Today…I look at them and see fools. Foolish man building their houses and kingdoms on sand. It is all going to be wiped away and they will be left with nothing. Foolishness.

Last Night

Father wanted me to look again at my belief system about self…and then share that mindset here on this blog. Alrighty then…here we go.

When Father first told me I was His Queen…as I have mentioned previously…I didn’t believe Him. I didn’t know if He was crazy, or I was…but somebody had lost their ever-loving mind. I argued vehemently against this concept.

Long story short…

I processed through the idea that I was hearing from demons. Conclusion…nope…I KNOW Father’s voice. Same voice I have been hearing for oodles of years. The craziness of it…sounded JUST LIKE HIM. He always seems to ROCK my world with the TRUTH.

I processed through the concept maybe I was telling myself this. My carnal flesh was trying to elevate myself. Conclusion…nope. Wasn’t even possible for me to come up with this because I didn’t think that highly of myself. When I was processing with Vanessa…she said the exact same thing. I hadn’t mentioned my thoughts yet to her because I wanted to hear her take on it. She said…it isn’t you because you don’t think of yourself like that. Father also told her…this is me. Crystal is not crazy.

Conclusion was…it is Father. Even though I KNEW it was Him…it took years of working through issues within to finally believe it could be true about ME.


I have had an enormous amount of questions for Him since He told me this in the fall of 2017. Let me share something He gave me as an answer at the beginning of this saga. I think I may have shared it on this blog before…can’t remember.

He asked me…do you remember the movie in the 80’s where the boys built the woman of their dreams?


He said…that is what I did with you. I picked out every single thing I would want in a wife…and I built you.

Damn…that was brilliant. I couldn’t argue with that logic. If I was picking a husband…I would do the exact same thing. That is preschool math, right? Common sense.

If I was the Creator…I would create the perfect spouse for myself. GENIUS! This is one piece of evidence of His intelligence.

He built me…out of Him.

Another piece that was important to me…this was planned…BEFORE the creation of the world.

Adam and Eve

Father created Adam and Eve…put them in the garden…told them NOT to eat of the fruit…and then went about His business.

This is like a parent sitting two children at a table with a bucket of candy…telling them NOT to eat it…and moving into the other room. THEY ARE GOING TO EAT THE CANDY. The temptation is too great.

Can you tell Father and I have had this conversation before? Yep.

So the fall of man was planned, right? Yep. He is not an idiot here.

We see in the Bible…He chose Christ to die for the disobedience of man BEFORE the world was created.

He was chosen as the Second Adam to right the wrongs for man. The fall was planned by Deity…it is the conflict in this story He has been writing. SO…Deity had to fix the problem. HE is the solution to His problem. Christ rights the wrongs. Deity created the problem…Deity IS the solution. See?

So the Second Eve was ALSO chosen BEFORE the creation of this world as part of the solution planned. See?

This is important to ME. Here is why.

My Thoughts

I may not be the sharpest tool in the belt at times…but I do have smarticles. So this is my response to Father…has been…still is.

Ok…you are the Creator. Let’s use this analogy. You created birds. Birds have certain functions they do every single day…throughout their life. They sing and chirp. They eat. Birds fly around…sleep in nests they build themselves. Etc.

Birds function as you have created them to function.

Same with all animals…large and small. Include the entire animal kingdom and there ya go. They are merely DOING what they were CREATED to do.

Let’s use another one.

He created computers for man as a picture of our minds. How our minds work. Our minds have speed, space, default settings, files, and folders to store the data in, we run programs, we get bogged down, etc.

I see Father as the computer inventor. Designer. Creator. Engineer. Programmer. He is the Geek.

I am the computer that He created and programmed.

What I do…is exactly what He created me and programmed me to do. Just like the animals.

I am a machine…doing just as it was created to do. Like a robot…I go where I am programmed to go. I say what I am programmed to say. Etc.

That is how I see myself. I am a machine…doing what I am programmed to do. Nothing more. Nothing less.

His Masterpiece

When processing with Vanessa this morning about the title…she said…what I see is…you are His Masterpiece.

She said…if I created a machine and it was running perfectly as it should…just like I created it to perform…I would be proud. I would have a sense of pride with that machine.

True…knew that was Father speaking through her. Knew that was the title of this post also.

That truth…didn’t change my thoughts of self. To me…I am a machine He created…and I am a well-oiled machine. One that functions as it should. It functions as He has built me to function. Like I have said before…I am a well-trained dog. When He says sit…I sit. He says stay…I stay. If I am told to heel…I heel.

With the current info I have…the conclusion is…what I do…does not make me special…I am merely doing what I was created to do. See?

I am baffled about all these Charismatic Christians out there who believe they are the “CHOSEN” one. They are missing pieces of the puzzle here…to MY story.

Logically speaking…since I was part of the plan BEFORE the creation of the world…this was NOT a chosen thing here for Father and I. This was He created me for this time in the timeline of mankind.

You see…I KNOW logically…I didn’t do anything for Father so He would choose me to do what I need to do later.

This is ALL preprogrammed into my DNA.

You see…I am not sitting here looking at myself and saying…wow…I am so special. I am saying…I am merely doing what I was created to do.

Another Analogy

Here is another analogy I use with Father.

When you hire a person for a position in your company, you give them a job description…and you expect them to perform according to the job description you laid out for them.

At the end of the day, if you see they actually DID the job you hired them to do…you don’t jump up and down clapping them on the back and screaming kudos to you for doing the job I am paying you to do.

I understand that many are lazy today and don’t do their jobs…but you see where I am going here with this example…right?

I am Father’s employee doing the job He hired me to do. NOW…let me be clear here…He hasn’t paid me a dime yet here on Earth…but I do believe I have a hefty bank account in the sky. For years, I have been saying…where are my wages…cuz you haven’t paid me any wages yet.

My point is…I am not expecting Him to jump up and down and shout…thanks for doing your job. To me…that just seems silly.


Here is part of a conversation the two of us have been having for over a decade or so. Father has to one…give me the truth to teach. And two…He has to introduce me to the people…back me up.

I believe this is what He is saying He is going to do soon.

This morning before I hopped in the shower…He said…we are coming.

I don’t know who “we” is. It could be Father/Son/Spirit…and/or the people. My suspicions are the people from what I have been watching through Hannah…coupled with other things He has said. I am still asking for confirmation, but for now… that is my suspicion. When referring to Himself…the three…He usually says He…not we.

My time of being introduced to the people is drawing near. Not sure how that is going to play out yet. Still waiting.

I told Him…you need to do this for me. You need to show the world…and all these liars and thieves in Christianity…who I am to you. When you put me in my place…you need to lower the arrogant Charismatic Christians to their places.

Everyone needs to KNOW their places.


During the convo last night/this morning…I said to Him…if you want me to see me differently…then you are going to have to make that happen yourself.

Here is my problem…I have a ceiling in my mind. My thinking caps out at the ceiling. I can only go so high in my mind in this world…in this realm. Crystal Ann can’t break the veil herself here. Ya know…the one that separates the natural realm from the supernatural realm. He is going to have to come for me Himself. Lower Himself to come and get me. I tell Him this all the time.

Right before I hopped in the shower…He reminded me of the chakras. He was saying…yes…you NEED your crown. Divine consciousness. The crown chakra.

I need full knowledge of His truth. Crystal Ann Laura needs His head. His mind. His heart. I need to be one with Him. Married to Him. 100% unified in Him.

This is the whole point of life…to work toward divine consciousness by becoming ONE with Christ. Man becoming ONE with/in Christ…Deity.


The whole chakra concept was stolen from Father…by the enemy. He and I are still discussing the validity of the teachings within the chakra concept…however, I know parts and pieces were told by Him…to man. Man took it…not knowing it was Father…and accredited it to everyone but the Creator.

The whole world is full of truths from Father but stolen by the enemy. Christians throw the baby out with the bath water because they don’t have intimacy with Father. They arrogantly shun anything that isn’t taught in Christianity. They claim discernment yet have none. Instead, they build their own religions based on their lie-based belief systems which bring them comfort. Building their own gods and kingdoms to puff themselves up and destroy the pagans. They arrogantly drive by pagans and shoot them down as heathens without looking in the mirror at their own faults.


For years I have been working with Father to deconstruct my self-destructive mindset. I am amazed that at the same time I am working to see my own value and worth through Christ…thousands of men and women had been elevating themselves to my position.

Some of these people are YOUNG too. I have never understood how they came to the conclusion they were worthy of such a position with Father. I have been working for over 30 years to get to this point…and some of these women weren’t born when I started working.

The arrogance of man…now that is crazy. When people look at me and think I am delusional and crazy…I look at the mindset of man…and it rights my brain pretty quickly.

So thankful I started low. I would rather be low and be elevated by Him than to start high and be torn down by Him. WAY less painful is my belief.


Pretty excited after the convo through the night last night…I think my time is almost here. Super excited. Ready to get started. More than anything…I want to be married. Can hardly wait.

Feels like my dreams are going to come true. I have always wanted a healthy marriage to a man who loved me. REALLY loved me…not just lied to me.

This world is full of liars and thieves. Hoping to clean this world up. Man…that is a lot of work I am thinking. Used to overwhelm me thinking about it…now I just feel like it is a necessary part of the process. Sounding like Him…more and more every single day. 😜

There ya go…now ya know.

I obeyed!

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