A Fall Evening

lens ball fall colors

Tonight has been a beautiful fall evening in the state of Michigan. I am loving fall this year. The colors are spectacular. When I was driving home yesterday, I was thinking…wow…fall in Michigan is incredible. Everywhere I drive…is breathtaking in beauty. 🔥

To our surprise, Donovan got home early this evening. He saw I was grabbing my camera and he asked…where are you going. My response…to take pictures of the road in front of the house. 😁

His response…man…those trees are LEGIT! He had a look of awe on his face. 😍

Made me smile. Yes…son…they are incredible in beauty. Thrills me that he is appreciating the fall foliage too. He often sends me pictures throughout the day while he is out driving. Donovan knows the kind of pictures I love to see. He is my mini-me in every way.

He loves nature as I do. I get pictures of waterfalls, lakes, fall foliage, bridges, etc.

Something wonderful has happened for me…I have fallen in love with my oldest son all over again. Seeing him as an adult, I am getting the privilege to appreciate parts of his manhood I haven’t seen before. Fascinating to me. Something new!

fall colors
fall colors
This road is the dirt road in front of our house. We live in the country on a dirt road. It is divine!


I am discovering he is clever and funny in a sassy kind of way. His Snapchat stories are GREAT! I told him…you need to do a YouTube channel. People would eat that stuff up. He showcases and narrates funny incidents during his work day.

Tonight, he and Vanessa were making fun of me when I got back from snapping photos. They asked me…is it cold outside. My response…YES!

I guess I looked cold. Laughing, he says…I can’t wait to see how you react when it is 10 below outside this winter. My response…I won’t go outside when it is 10 below. 😳🤨🥶


Donovan has been keeping us warm with fires in the evening. Wonderful!!!

We have been splurging on pies too. Pumpkin and apple with warm apple cider. Vanessa has perfected a Paleo pie crust. 🥰

My goodness…we are SPOILED!!!!!!

A bit of trivia…

When I go to the movie theater…I wear earplugs when watching movies. They always have the sound SO LOUD! My kids have made fun of me for years because I wear earplugs at the theater. 😆

I have learned I have to wear them while living with my kids too!!!!!! Seriously!! Why do we need the TV so loud??? 🤷‍♀️

I have discovered AirPods with noise canceling work GREAT for reducing TV volume. They aren’t just great for appreciating music. 🤣 Is this a sign of old age?

Fall evenings in Michigan are becoming some of my favorites. I’ve entered a sweet place in my life. Full of gratitude!

The pictures don’t do the fall colors justice…but I wanted to remember. Warm…sweet memories. 🙂

Donovan built the fire and took the photo. We are LOVING Donovan’s fires in the fireplace!!!

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