I love this macro shot of such a pretty little yellow flower. The brown in the background is very soothing to me and I think it makes the flower the star of the show. The tones are rich and warm. Very inviting. To me…spectacular. 🤩
As a young child, I loved the color pink and hated the color brown. Something changed over the years, I switched. I no longer hate the color brown…in fact…I really like the different shades and tones of brown. Pink…has become my least favorite color. I don’t really understand what happened to make those changes in my taste preference in colors. Seems very odd to me…but I am an odd duck I believe. 🤷♀️
However, I have always been a fan of yellow…and flowers. My grandmother’s favorite flower was the yellow rose. It became my favorite flower because of her. She was such a loving woman. Full of fun, ornery, and attentive. She had a huge impact on my life in such a positive way. As a result, the yellow rose represents to me her love. It also represents the light of Christ…as yellow is the color of the sun…His Son…the greater light which shines down His truth upon us all. My grandmother was a woman who shined the light of Christ on me while she lived. As a grandmother myself now, my grandma is the example I see in how to attend to and love a grandchild. To make them feel special, wanted, and loved. I will always be grateful for my dad’s mom. She was a treasure to me…one I still cherish today. Even more so now that I am a grandmother myself. Too many people fail to appreciate the elderly people in their lives. I find that sad.
I hope you can find something to appreciate in my macro photo of this little yellow flower. 😆