A Reminder


A few years ago, I met this young man named Christian in such a crazy funny way. For some reason, I was drawn to him instantly. He became dear to my heart very quickly. Some people have that effect on me.  For periods, Christian entertains dark spaces, and I don’t hear from him, but I always think of him. I wonder how he is, where he is at, and what he is up to in life. AND I miss his presence in my life.

At the end of last week, I had walked into a space in life that was the death of my dreams. I was moving in a different direction for myself. Just before this, I saw a vision. I got run over. The vehicle that ran me over came from behind me and I didn’t even see it coming. Now, I am wondering if that vehicle was driven by Christian.

Late Thursday afternoon, I got a text message from him. I was pleasantly shocked. Didn’t even see him coming. My heart flooded with joy seeing that wonderful text message. Late that evening, he told me “Have a goodnight momma. I love you and am very blessed to have met you.”  My heart instantly melted. He just has a way of doing that to me…through words…and his amazing hugs.

My weekend was a whirlwind of FUN, laughter, good times, great memories, and a family united together to celebrate Bobbi and Mitchell’s formal wedding vows. All weekend long, Christian and I texted back and forth. Through our conversations, I think he sparked a small fire in me that had gone cold…had been snuffed out. My feelings are…maybe there is hope…I feel/felt encouraged.


This morning, I woke up to the song by Alicia Keys…Girl on Fire. The lyrics keep playing on repeat in my head. It makes me ponder passion and fire all over again. Yesterday, I was telling Vanessa…I want to open my blog back up again. There is a desire in me to build something here for myself.

I was sharing with Christian this morning about my dreams and how this blog is part of those dreams. Traveling is still in my mind…at the forefront of it.

Gypsies who Cook

We had a fun-filled tea party on Friday night for the bride and groom. While dining together, Mitchell was telling us this story of how a friend of his was asking about Mom. Where I was currently at. What I was doing. He started to explain…well she was here but then she went there and now she is here. Then the friend asked about Donovan. Mitchell told him…he is in Michigan. The response…wait…wasn’t he just in Colorado??? Mitchell smiled that sweet funny smile of his and said yes…here is how I describe MY family…we are gypsies…who cook.

We all burst out in laughter. We are all using this analogy now. So very true. Traveling and moving is our jam. Who we are…so is food. GOOD food. We are foodies. Friday night was Italian food. Delish!!!!! Vanessa did a wonderful job on our dinner.

Donovan and Vanessa have already decided on their next destination to move to…the Carolinas…in about five years or less. So much world to see. So much to do. So many adventures to have. Dreams.

I am going to invest in myself. My dreams. My desires. I am going to travel. Giving up and quitting on those dreams…NOT an option. Father brought Christian back into my life to remind me and get my focus back on point.

Moving forward today by doing this post. Always forward movement…even when it is baby steps taken with fatigue and trepidation. I just keep moving…one foot in front of the other one.

More Encouragement

Another piece of Christian’s encouragement…he said…no matter what I have done, you still consistently show me Father’s love. He said it speaks volumes to him and has given him direction.

I needed to hear those words. Sometimes I have wondered if my work with people has been worth it…or not. I am reminded…love endures. Indeed, it does.

Christian and I have promised to pray for one another…our dreams and our fire. For Father to fuel our fires.

Today was a good reminder for me.

Maybe dreams can come true. I guess I will see. 🤔

The featured image quality is not the greatest…taken by my daughter on her iPhone…but using it anyway. It has value to me. 😍

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