A Tree Bud

macro tree leaf bloom

This tree bud picture is one of my favorites. I took it a while back in Illinois walking through the woods with Tonto. The blue background is so rich…love the branch as the leading line with the bud as the center of the picture. To me…it just pops. Catches my eye. Love that!

I find it amazing how many little details we miss in life. So many beautiful things right in front of our faces but we miss them. We don’t have the eyes to see them, nor do we look for them. That is one of the reasons I love macro photography…it trains my eyes to see the tiny little details around me…instead of JUST looking at the bigger picture. Photography changes the way you look at the world around you…in so many ways…if you have the mind to think through those things critically.

I sometimes wonder what we will think when we cross over and see the beauty in truth from our back trail. Seeing what we missed while here in this realm. It makes me think of Steven Tyler…I am in agreement with him…I don’t want to miss anything either.

Always Hungry

Personally, I have a quest for knowledge. I am always hungry to learn more. Seems like I never can get my belly full. The more I learn…the more I want to learn. I want to eat and consume more. Sometimes I wish I had paid better attention to certain details in my past, but we don’t get to relive moments in time. I can only press forward striving to make the necessary improvements…in whatever area of life the improvements are needed.

Father loves hungry people. People who are hungry to KNOW Him. To be intimate with Him. Hungry for truth. Revelation. His knowledge. His ways. His Spirit. He will feed you all the food you want. Eating at the King’s table…THE VERY BEST! ❤️

I hope you can enjoy my tree bud photo!

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