Adoption Day

mom and daughter

We had our adoption day in court earlier this week. Thankfully, it was a super easy process. No fuss when adopting an adult. 😍

Hannah is now legally part of our family. We had a quiet dinner that evening to celebrate the occasion.

people in court
I wanted pictures with our attorney and our judge after the adoption was final. 😍

Court Proceedings

While in court, I had to explain a bit to our judge about why I was adopting Hannah. I felt like I am supposed to share that here.

As I have mentioned previously, Hannah first asked me to adopt her several years ago.

One…I wasn’t opposed to the idea…I just didn’t understand why that would be necessary when she was an adult. I couldn’t see how a simple piece of paper could really make any difference when how we lived would not really change.

I tend to be logical, analytical…using critical thinking and reasoning at times. With that mindset, I felt like…practically speaking…nothing was going to change with one little piece of paper. I wouldn’t love Hannah any more or any less. The paper did not define my love for her as a daughter.

Two…if I did adopt her…I didn’t feel like it was the right time back then. It wasn’t obviously or Father would have told me to proceed then instead of at this time.

There is a season or time for everything. Also…there is an order to all things He does.

Now was the time to adopt Hannah as my daughter.


When explaining my reasoning to our judge, I shared with her the conclusion I had come to recently.

Hannah needed the adoption from an emotional standpoint. She NEEDED to KNOW she had a mother. Legally. One she was proud to call her mother. And she needed a mom to be proud of her. A mom that would lay down her life…to lift her up and elevate her to the position of a daughter.

She needed to know she was loved and cared for by her mom.

Years ago, Hannah told me that she would go around to different older women thinking to herself…are you my mother. She was looking for a mom. A mom to love her and to care for her.

She found that in me.

It is truly an honor for me to be accepted by the young men and women in my life…especially to be chosen to be their mother. It has been hard for me to comprehend over the years…and honestly…still is. Maybe someday I will wrap my head around the concept of being wanted and valued by man…but for now…I am still shaking my head in bewilderment. 🤨

We celebrated our first happy adoption day…many more to celebrate in the years ahead. 💙

mom daughter and granddaughter
We thought the flowers behind us were pretty. Love little Esme’s dress. She loves her dresses. 😆

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