woman on the beach

I am feeling antsy. Like I need to go. To do. To be. I am feeling the need for speed, I think.

I didn’t realize I was feeling this way until Donovan asked me a question on the phone this morning. Upon awakening, I felt like I needed to express to my children my appreciation for their love and support. These kids are amazing. They stuck by me during the last seven years. Even when…they didn’t feel like it. It sounded crazy. I was a heavy burden to bear. It was a major inconvenience and expense to them. Despite all the negative, they obeyed Father…supported me…took care of me.

Amazing. Absolutely amazing if you ask me.

To write this out to the reader…no big deal. The story behind it…huge deal. I believe someday I will write that story. At this time, it just sounds crazy to the listening ear.

These kids stayed by me…through the fires of Hell. They are a special breed. For sure.

I told Donovan this morning…before this started in 2017…Father said to me…you will rely heavily on Donovan. That was no joke. It came to pass just as He said. Donovan has been there when I needed him. He needed a bit of encouragement at times, but he chose life each time. The man is rock solid. SO proud of him. Proud of them all.

When I was thanking Donovan again this morning, he asked me…are you getting ready to leave Mom?

I thought about it a minute…then said…I think I am.

Travel Photos

I have been combing through photos the last few days trying to clean one particular folder up on my computer. Lots of travel photos amongst the others. The photos here are from the time Hannah and I flew out to Cali for a week. She had a conference in Silicon Valley. Then we took some time to travel to Monterey, Carmel, and San Fran. I told her…I can’t leave without hitting those three towns. They were on my bucket list.

The featured image is of me sitting in Carmel on the beach. I remember so clearly saying to Hannah…what am I doing in Southern Indiana? Why did Father plant me there?

I absolutely love the state of California. From top to bottom…from the coast to the inner boundary line. I know the state has issues…but…man the state is gorgeous… everywhere you go.

I once decided to get lost on purpose. Instead of taking a main road, I took a left-hand turn and wandered around the back roads. It was one of the coolest…most amazing experiences of my life.

Road Trip

I stumbled upon animals that were part horse and part zebra. No kidding. A pasture of those strange-looking animals. I have pictures somewhere of them. Of course, I had to stop and check those babies out. SUPER COOL.

Also…discovered a sinkhole that took half of the road out. Had never encountered that before. Of course, I had to get out and check that baby out too. I don’t think I got a photo of it. It was mesmerizing though. I wondered what made the road safe for me to pass through??? I did. Seemed like the locals must’ve driven that road daily.

In my wanderings, I noticed large properties with massive security. Cameras, large tent-like structures, and fences. My take…marijuana farms. Recently, I watched part of a documentary about a certain area. Lots of disappearing people who go there to work. The more they talked…I thought…I think that is near the area I purposely got lost in. Checked the map…sure enough…it was. 😳🤣 Turns out…my intuition was right.

Also on this road trip, I came down the mountain…out of the mist…and to my amazement…on my left was the coast. Just as I got level…I saw two sea lions sunbathing on the rocks along the road. I bet I stood there an hour watching those beautiful beasts. Breathtaking to see them in the wild. The road I was on was deserted…a gravel one-lane road. No traffic. Wonderful experience for me. Made the whole road trip worth it to see those sea lions.


Life can be one great big adventure if you allow it to be. Always something to get your attention.

I am feeling the need for another adventure. That has to be Father.

I haven’t pulled my camera out of the bag for months. All photos I have taken lately have merely been on my phone. Haven’t felt the need to pull the camera out. Had actually lost all interest in it. Now…I am feeling that spark again. A spark to get a new camera and do some traveling. Go somewhere. Do something.


Haven’t a clue.

He is either going to let me travel…or take the desire out of my heart…cuz my heart is starting to beat traveling again.

I feel the need for an adventure…and make it happen quickly. Speedily.

mother daughter on the beach
I like how Hannah blurred out the background here. Sweet photo. One of my favs. 😍


It is starting to look like spring has hit here in Northern Michigan. Finally.

I am still wearing my hoodies, but I am starting to see a bit of green on the trees. Leaves are coming out.

Vanessa and I sat outside for a tiny bit yesterday…tiny…tiny bit. Now my face looks like a lobster. I got a burn. Boggles my mind how that happened in such a short period.

My face always looks about two shades darker than my neck…here we go again. 🤷‍♀️

I am ready for some heat!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seems like the workload is over. Father isn’t nitpicking any longer…so I am bored.

I am considering adding a bunch of shallow blog posts of old pictures to occupy my time. 🤷‍♀️ Sitting around is not easy for me.

Feels like I am waiting on Him now. Waiting on Him to do something. Whatever He does…I think it will be amazing. Kind of giddy-like inside. Feeling a bit of love coming from His side of life. Things seem to be breaking loose with my kids. We all believe change is getting ready to happen for us. Kind of exciting times. Passover is over and Pentecost is near.

Me thinks May might be a good month for our wonderful happy family. 😉 The fam is unified…that is always a good sign. We are all feeling it.

Makes me feel like dancing. Doing the happy celebratory dance. 💃🏻

Let’s cut a rug together…shall we?


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