art masterpiece artprize

ArtPrize is in Grand Rapids, MI, and is an art competition along with an art festival. Super cool! Many sponsors come together to bring this festival to the city. The art is located in many locations…such as hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, tattoo shops, art galleries, etc. Different businesses host the art for the competition. There is a map with all the different locations you can visit to see the local artists’ exhibits. Everyone gets to vote for their favorite artwork as they visit the different businesses to view the art.

Ingenious if you ask me. It benefits not only the artists but the city businesses as well. Earlier this week, Vanessa and I decided to take a day trip to Grand Rapids and enjoy the art. We did a lot of walking downtown getting to know the city as we had a little art scavenger hunt. Super fun!

Our first stop was an aquarium shop. Wow…Vanessa and I both decided we miss our fish tanks. Going to have a LARGE saltwater tank someday! 😍

paintings at artprize
Had to take a picture of these for my son.
art collage at artprize
Dean’s story was my favorite part of the art festival.

Dean Hunt

There was a lot of interesting artwork to see while on our trek through the city, but this guy…Dean was probably my favorite artist to chat with. His story was fascinating to me. He did these 25 pieces for the show. He started in July to get them all finished before the show this fall. What he did was try many different artists’ techniques. So Monet’s painting was done using Monet’s technique. He said by the time he was done; he had picked different techniques from different artists that he liked himself. Using his favorite techniques, he made the painting on the top row second to the right.

He put a neat little spin on each painting that was personal to him or to the model he was basing his painting on. Dean has built an augmented reality app…called Wisck AR. We plan on checking it out.

Juice Bar

When we parked downtown, we found our first ArtPrize venue right away. It was across the street and to the left. As we were walking, Vanessa said…oh look…there is a juice bar. Without hesitation, I said…we are going. 😆

While Vanessa got juice, Ahnalaya and I got smoothies. They were delicious.

Since our car was parked right there…I told her on the way back…I am going to stop in and get the same juice you got. Wow…it was good. Pineapple, apple, cucumber, and ginger. It is called the Face Lift and is their most popular juice. I can see why. Cold pressed juice. YUMMO!

girl drinking smoothie
We found a juice bar!
mother son picture artprize
Some days I think Archer is the spitting image of his daddy.

The Elevator Ride

When we got downtown, we parked in the parking garage on the 4th floor. We took the elevator up and down because we have young children…plus we did a TON of walking all day long. Ahnalaya Ann was a trooper. She walked the whole day.

Getting on the elevator, I saw she would be able to see out the window as we went down so I picked her up so she could see better.

She loved the elevator ride. She said it got her belly.

I had forgotten how much fun exploring the city is with small children as every experience is new and exciting for them. It makes me feel young all over again. Children are a tremendous blessing!!!

Artprize elevator ride
Ahnalaya Ann loved the elevator ride. A thrilling experience for her. Made me happy to share it with her.

blue GMC sierra
I was inspired!😂


I feel the need to share this tidbit of information. Walking around the town, I carried my camera hoping I would find something that would inspire me to take a picture. I REALLY struggle with urban photography, so I truly try to stretch myself to SEE shapes, patterns, symmetry, something…anything that screams for me to take a picture of it while I am in the city.

I spent several hours lugging that backpack and equipment around. Not ONE thing struck me…made my heart skip a beat…packed a punch. I was sharing this with Father as we were walking back to the car…that I was struggling and a bit disappointed with myself. Like…did I miss something? Am I just not going to ever get inspired by man-made things??

Literally…Father and I are having this conversation and I turn to the side and see this beautiful blue GMC Sierra and my heart skips a beat. I started giggling out loud because in my mind…I said…well that TRUCK inspires me.

Vanessa was wondering why I was giggling, so I shared…then I told her…I have to take a picture of this truck to remember this conversation. It is my dream truck. Not sure why this truck does it for me but man…I love the GMC Sierra. Turns my head every time.


Ok…so when we got to the car, we drove farther downtown closer to the convention center to see all the artwork in that area. Saving ourselves some steps to drive a little closer. This time, I decided to leave my camera and equipment in the vehicle. I am too discouraged by now. No hope of getting inspired. 🙁

As we are walking down a street, I turn around and I see this view. I LOVE it. It was so odd because of the building in the reflection…I was staring at that baby thinking…hmmm…I like that. There might be something there…I was FEELING that building. Then I get further down and turn around and there is THAT building. It was Holy Spirit highlighting that building for me when I first saw it.

Super cool.

But…now I only have my phone. So there ya go. I can kick myself or be grateful I was inspired. I am going with being grateful! 😉

grand rapids Michigan
I love the reflection of the building on the windows…along with the trees and the lines. Really liked this.

If you ever get a chance to attend ArtPrize in Grand Rapids, I recommend it. Such a fun way to explore the city. An art scavenger hunt!!! How cool is that???

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