
On my walk this afternoon, I discovered bee boxes. A bee farmer dropped off a group of hives. I was ECSTATIC!!! Bees….lots of bees. SUPER cool!

I cut my walk short, sat down, and watched the bees. 😍 No regrets there!!! What a privilege it was. I spent maybe 30 minutes sitting beside one of the boxes and took pictures of them coming in and out of the hive. WOW!!!!! A new experience for me.

Yellow pollen on those legs! I know the bee is blurry. Using the photo anyway.

Years ago, I got the privilege of hanging with a friend while he emptied the honey out of one of his beehives. I was thrilled. My grandmother had bees and I have always wanted to have my own hives someday.

It has been discouraging to know the plight of the decline in our honeybees. I am encouraged by how many people are getting on board and seeing the value of our bees. Nature needs the bees to keep pollination going.

When I travel, it is always a thrill for me when I see hives tucked away along roads or I see them on farms as I drive by.

On my bucket list, is to try honey that is produced from cranberry pollination. One of these days, I am going to head in that direction and purchase some honey from the locals near the cranberry farms.

They say eating local honey can help with allergies. Not sure if that is true or not but it makes sense. The bee’s spit must have some special allergy busters in it. 🤷‍♀️

Most of the sugar I consume is from local honey or maple syrup. I haven’t bought white sugar in oodles of years. Don’t miss it one bit. Even a spoonful of honey at this point in my life is too sweet for me.

It is amazing how your taste buds change when you cut out the fake “foods.” Even your sniffer changes. I can smell the chemicals in most foods these days. I prefer real food and tasting the ingredients in their natural flavorful state. Far superior to chemicals! 🤨

Below, I have included a few of my photos from today. I have different shots with different colors of pollen. Incredible for me to watch!

Check out the red pollen. Love the coloring of it.
PINK pollen!!!
Another shot of some pink pollen.
I love how this little worker bee is in flight and how the other one is getting ready to go find some pollen.
I know this is a bit blurry but the orange pollen was too good to pass up. So freaking cool!
The dude with the red pollen is loaded down!🤣
The hives. That is a lot of bees.
I wonder how much that pollen weighs???

Probably very very little, but I wonder what it weighs in comparison to the bee?


I enjoyed watching the little dudes working. Such busy little bees. Constantly going in and out of those hives. I was surrounded by buzzing bees. What was really fascinating was listening to them. I could hear this wonderful constant buzzing the whole time I was sitting there. On occasion, a few would buzz around my ears.

It made me wonder how warm those hives are inside. They have to generate some heat inside that thing.

I am going to keep checking on the bees. May sit and watch them again soon. An interesting experience for me. 💙

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