Birthday Celebration

grandmother and granddaughter

We recently took little Esmeralda Ray to our favorite local restaurant, Cafe Arazu, for her third birthday celebration. They have the best hummus platter. It is a combo of three different hummus flavors. I can eat the stuff with a spoon straight up…and have before. Goodness, it is scrumptious! 😍

I love the featured image photo. Hannah was trying to get Esme to take her hand out of her mouth for the photo, but that is one of my favorite parts of this photo. Also, I love how she propped her foot up on the arm of the chair. It amuses me how little children have no problems getting comfortable when they climb up into your lap. They have no concept of your space separate from their space. 🤣

mother and daughter
Esme’s third birthday lunch.

Hard Time

Bobbi has been razzing me lately. It is highly entertaining for me.

The other day, she was sharing with me how she watched Esme standing on the tops of my feet. (That picture is on this site somewhere.) When she was standing on my feet, this was right after I broke my foot…before my walking boot. Esme was rocking back and forth…putting weight on one foot and shifting to the other.

I tried to detour her from this since that foot was broken but gave up and let her have her way. Bobbi was standing there watching Esme wondering how I was tolerating the pain of that.

I have no idea. Years of pain have desensitized me somehow. 🤷‍♀️


This broken foot thing has become a humorous thing for the family.

I may have already mentioned…when Hannah came over the afternoon I got my lovely walking boot, she saw it…did a second glance…with the quizzical question…is that a walking boot.

My response…yep.

Then she says…what did the doctor say.

I said…it is broken.

Laughing…she throws her arms up and yells…WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? (Referring to my stubbornness to walk on it…not seeing a doctor for a week or two.)

I just laughed and said…I have no idea.

Bobbi has repeatedly told me…she would have gone to the doctor a week before I did. We laugh at my struggle with the notion this foot is broken.

For a week, I would go to bed and check the swelling, feel the bruised bone…and say to myself…yes…it IS broken. I really don’t want that to be my reality. 😂

Bobbi says I am a disaster on crutches.

She is not wrong.

They get in my way.


An old friend of mine lost her leg at the age of 18 due to bone cancer. She had a prosthetic leg which she wore part of the day. Due to pressure issues, she would take it off about halfway through the day and use crutches. I look at her life so differently now. Walking with crutches is awful…but feel I have nothing to complain about. Could be so much worse. 🤷‍♀️

To use crutches, you must be willing to slow down…I am not good at the slow-down part.

I am trying REALLY hard to stay non-weight-bearing on that foot. REALLY hard. Super glad I have Bobbi as my entertainment partner. She is helping me stay off the foot. The first thing she asked me when I got the crutches…do you think you will actually use them. 😂😂🤷‍♀️


I mentioned in my last post, Father revealed to me a new direction I was going in my life. Utter shock for me…and the fam. Didn’t see that coming at all.

In my mind, it meant I was not going to fulfill my long-time dreams of being a teacher to the Bride. We were all trying to wrap our minds around what He was saying about my role of being a teacher.

After the shock wore off, I got excited. He was saying I had TWO roles to fulfill. The one I have been working for these last 30-plus years…but also a role He had planned all along…He just hadn’t mentioned that part of the plan.

family lunch
Love my family!!!

Baby girl in carseat
Little Miss Mavis was tired, but pleasant throughout our lunch. It is always nice to be able to take children to restaurants and have pleasant experiences. My children grew up being accustomed to dining out in public. So grateful for those experiences in my life with my kids. Thankful to have them with my grandchildren now. 😍

A Secret

I can’t share the details of the second role…but I can say this. I get to be mother and father. How that will play out is sealed up at this time. I can say…I am GIDDY about it.

Giddy about the show He is going to put on for the folks out there. But more importantly…the show He is going to put on for me. It is so much bigger than I could have ever asked for or imagined.

I am starting to see why I have endured so much for so long…all in His name. It makes so much sense now…my entire life is coming into this wonderfully clear view.

What He is going to do is beyond my wildest expectations. He has a plan and the love behind it is beautiful.

He loves His Israelites, and I am excited the remnant He has kept for Himself out of that Nation…will get to take possession of their land and live in safety someday.

Father is a man of His word. He keeps His promises.

He once told me…Promises made…promises kept. It was a reminder for me…He is who He says He is. He is integrity. He is honor.

Father is beautiful! Super excited to spend eternity with Him…doing our thing. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in life. I am truly blessed!

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