Bleeding Hearts

bleeding hearts close up

I think these bleeding heart flowers are fascinating with the heart shapes and coloring. I am always a bit perplexed by how people choose to ignore all the signs of an intelligent designer in this world. Our world was so well-engineered when you look at languages, the scientific laws of nature, art, music, the diversity of cultures, the palette of colors in skin color, nature, food, etc. The complexities in this world in just the design of the human anatomy alone are mind-boggling and display millions of reasons why this world was created and designed by an intelligent being. Once you see it…and are sold on it…you can’t go back into the darkness…the blindness…the fog of deception. 👀

I love this picture…the leading line, the composition, the colors, the aperture setting…I think it is fabulous. Doing close-up shots is fun for me. I tend to forget there is a world that exists around me as I focus on the little details. Seeing life from a different perspective than the norm is really important I believe to expand the mind. Too many people have a narrow focus…are narrow-minded. They stay contained within a box. A small perimeter in their mind.

Hamster in a Cage

Some people stay in a small radius their whole lives doing the same things on a daily basis…like a hamster in a cage…who is trapped in the wheel. A cage inside of a cage. Man…that is death to me. I need to go, to do, to be. To experience life. There is so much in this world to investigate beyond the four walls of a home. I am itching to take off, to go, to do, to be. It is hard for me to sit still some days. For me…I not only think outside of the box…I live outside of it as well. Always new horizons to explore.

Enjoy the bleeding hearts! ❤️

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